Monday 21 October 2024

.NET Core 2.0 – Preview 2

[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of Visual Studio toolbox I'm your host Dimitri Lyin and I'm excited to have somebody from the net team with me Richard Lander Richard welcome to the show thanks this is great yeah we we'd love to have you here and uh we're going to talk today about net core and specifically net core2 preview to release so Richard why don't you tell us a little bit about what net core is because you know as much as we want to talk about the newest preview that's why you're on the show today there's probably somebody out there who doesn't know what that net core even is all about okay um definitely so um we started this project the net core project uh maybe three years ago something something like that it's been a while I this is version two we're talking about of that yeah and we did two versions before that 1.0 and 1.1 um and obviously there was a development period and um for those of you who are familiar with the project you know we had kind of an elongated development period and had a few different names so it's been about a three-year project um if I think about um what it was we tried to build we wanted a crossplatform project um we wanted to have side by-side installs we wanted a project where we could move quickly and innovate and deliver a lot of value to customers yeah and um yeah and I think we've done that we've done those three things uh we this doesn't seem quite as relevant now as it once was but Project's all open source as well we've said about a million times now I that was one of the biggest things that people are surprised about we're going to build you know I think it was around the same time vs code right was announced as well I don't remember who was first or second there but two two open source projects two really big important projects to Microsoft and and with core like you said right the whole it's going to run on Linux it's going to run on the Mac thing um you know it's going to be super optimized it's going to run side by side x file deployments all of that was exciting exciting stuff yeah I mean uh uh the the open source thing we we felt like if we're going to do um a Linux friendly and a Mac friendly product it has to be open source there's just no no other option yeah um you know I said we've said this a million times like now that's just what we do every day so every day everyone on the team is on GitHub doing you know pull requests working on issues building in the open I mean building the open that's the scar cool and scary thing at the same time when we first started um it was just us talking to one another um for the most part we definitely had and community members right from the start yeah some people were there from the beginning yeah but now it's completely different now there's this extremely constant engagement um with the community every single day um and uh a big part of my job and a number of other people on the team is answering their questions if they're having trouble or there's a ton of people that are actually suggesting ways to change the product sometimes that looks like a good direction and we go there sometimes it has to be altered a little bit so that's a big part of I think the biggest thing that I when know when I talk to people about what that net core is all about I told them it it's not just any longer being built just by Microsoft right we have Community contributions we're accepting those contributions it it is it is kind of a cool thing to think about that anybody out there like you you folks out there in audience right as you're as you're working with core you might realize oh this this function really should have always been there right let me put some helper thing in there and you could submit that as a poll request and see if the team accepts it or or maybe gets inspired by it you you guys still decide what gets in or out but it's it does work yeah another part that's uh close to what we've just been discussing is we actually have daily builds as well so um uh and each branch actually produces daily builds yeah so um for people who are really wanting to keep up on the bleeding edge of what we're doing you know you can install one build yester Day a different build to today and a different build tomorrow and then um you you know if if the the issue that you you posted finally got fixed it got fixed today then tomorrow morning when you wake up you can try that build and validate that it actually was fixed if it wasn't fixed then you can reactivate that issue um and say you know folks I don't know what it was you fixed but it wasn't my thing um and that level of Engagement was definitely not available before at all yeah so that's you can look you know as a customer you can look behind the scenes how the code is actually running so there's no more there's no more secrets there the whole library is up in the open and and so so is a bunch of other stuff so apnet is up there Entity framework is up there I mean everything is part of this core initiative right this CORE family of product yeah so maybe we could um talk about something um else which is its relationship to Net Framework um so in many ways it's very very similar toet framework um actually most of the runtime implementation is shared between the two products so um that's very very similar um uh and it's uh um for the the framework libraries the most of the code base itself isn't shared but um the behavior is very similar the same apis and all that kind of thing I think the big difference is that um we have like a DNA framework on over a billion machines and so there's a ton of responsibility that comes with that to make sure that all those apps in you know hundred of countries used by millions of people that they all work every day um with dnet core we have an opportunity to uh move much faster uh try out new things and um see how they work so uh in theet core 20 project um we added um a few new somewhat revolutionary features um span of tea and memory of tea um or maybe those are going to two one I actually can't remember but that's that's that's not the point but it's it's part of the immediate Road you guys are able to evolve and add something and so we get to because um a there aren't nearly as many people using net core today and B because of the side by-side installs it's really this one that's the important point it means that we get to try out these new features collect some information about um like feedback about how they're working and then once they're tried and true then we can bring them back to D framework where we have um much more responsibility well that that's an important kind of thing to say to the audience like that NET Framework is still the thing we work on right it is not going anywhere they don't have to worry about you know that NET Framework going your way or having to move everything it's just a parallel project that's designed for very specific things and able to take advantage of you know and optimize and do do things that we we just can't do it when it's installed on billions of machines with the framework oh for sure and I think actually the existence of core will actually help us add value to DNA framework more quickly just because we have this testing ground that's a safer place for us to work as Engineers um whereas with DNA framework that's a little bit harder yeah and also you know that NE I don't want to scare people when I talk to them about it and I often have to explain this part which is yes it's open source it's moving fast but there there is a point where you guys ship an MSI right there's a stable point you download you you don't have to worry a daily build done by the team is going to break your Dev environment or something it's up to you at that point if you adopt the newer bits but there is a stable point that we're gonna keep shipping oh yeah and also these daily bills don't just magically end up on your machine you have to really work to get them yeah you have to really work to get them and to find them um and um yeah so we do we ship um preview releases back to the D coure 20 project we've Shi preview one we ship preview two yeah uh we're about to ship another release relatively soon and um we tell people exactly what's in them we actually publish detailed release notes yeah yeah the relase notes are good and there's a road map and that's all up on GitHub yeah and so people can kind of make decisions about what it is they want to to build and then once it goes um RTM or rtw um then we're just on like a servicing plan where um we actually have an extremely high bar um somewhat similar actually to our NET Framework bar um for taking changes and uh it's very hard to get servicing changes in place which is actually a good thing yeah those are just for reliability security and um you know severe performance problems and then most of the effort would go into 2-1 at that point that makes sense and as part of all of this you know the the last thing probably we should talk about iset standard I think it's worth saying that net core 20 andet standard 20 come handy hand right so we're shipping those together and so what does that in a standard mean for folks sure so um it's a totally just a spec um so we had this it's a promise it's a it's a promise although uh it's I would say it's stronger than that because um it's actually part of the you know Visual Studio experience like it has actual artifacts around it but um uh so we had portable class libraries before that was a good a good is um code sharing solution but it didn't kind of make any forward-looking statements on what new implementations needed to do whereas what net standard does is it says these are the minimum apis that you need in your product in order to be part of the to be a proper net implementation based on a certain version of the standard yeah and so um we have multiple versions of the standard uh so one analogy that people have been using is HTML um HTML is a spec you can't um use it for anything in and of itself you have to implement it as as a company or whatever as a and then um so there's several versions of HTML and then there are browser um there are several of those um Microsoft even makes one or or or two um depending how you count um and then uh those browser makers um you know there's like Chrome version 50 or something like that and it will say we support HTML 5 plus these you know Extensions Plus these CSS versions so don net standard is very much like that so net core2 will Implement net standard 20 NET Framework 461 I believe and above also Implement um D standard 20 and the zamon products um at the same time we ship net core 20 we'll also Implement net standard 20 and then the only other one to discuss is our wwp dnet implementation yeah and that will uh support dnet standard 2o later in 2017 yeah so the thing though is is that it's like oh okay I see the versions match um so when you ship donet core 21 will ship a net standard 21 and the answer is probably not um net standard is actually intended to be relatively slow moving um because it's it's completely for class libraries and um yeah D standard is not about the zaml right I mean there's a zaml conversation we can have with with zaml standard but but just the scope of our thing today is it's about making sure that you can reuse code and therefore it's about the class Library conversation yeah so um or then you get package right whatever whatever to those are mostly the same thing so we'll decide um uh what are the next things that we want to put in D standard but um I'm not seeing that in the next six months that we're going to put out a new donet standard version so it'll be donet standard 20 will kind of be the thing for a while number two is is the theme of the show because we're like we're talking about net core2 it's the preview two release and we're going to talk about that non standard to not to confuse you folks too much so two arms and legs yeah and we have two arms and legs and and hopefully more fingers but um but the reality is that that this just coincidence that that C2 that the standard to lineup but but that's not the shipping intent going forward it'll just whatever makes sense we'll do that yeah some people actually asked us so we had um a set of done standard 1.x versions all the way up to 1.6 and some people said well when you if you think about sver semantic versioning um you really uh use a major version number in case of a breaking change so they said to us like oh are you is there a Breaking change that's coming in doet standard and the answer is no um but uh we decided to create a major version for two main reasons one was um we're adding something like we're overd doubling the number of apis that are inet standard from 1.6 to 2.0 I think it's like 130% increase it's some crazy yeah so that's quite large uh and then the other one is is the way net standard is structured kind of under the hood is changing uh quite a bit it's not anything that Library developers have to worry about like from a breaking change standpoint or anything like that but we felt like those two things um kind of the architectural change and the increase in apis meant that a 2 was warranted so okay that makes sense all right yeah let's talk about what's new in yeah in 20 so that makes sense so let's switch gears to to the current release right so now we're going to go talk about that net core 20 the preview two release of it which enables a bunch more capabilities so why don't you go through it and then we're going to talk through a blog post so there is a blog post on the visual studio team blog and there's other supporting blog posts we'll link all of those in the show notes so let's go through what's in yeah so this is actually theet team blog oh sorry the 19 blog I have my blogs a little confused I SP too much time reading them uh so yeah let's go through this um I have some other things that I think are maybe not covered in depth here but we'll go through this first sure so we care a lot about platforms um on our team uh so when we had do NET Framework it was always Windows Windows Windows um with net core it's definitely a broader set of releases that we um work on so the first thing is uh Azure is quite important to our team and so we worked with the Azure um app Services team to uh make sure that net core2 was supported yeah and some some people don't don't always realize that like app uh app Service is like the websites right so if you're deploying your websites to the manage infrastructure you're not just doing your own VM and your own thing but if you want to use app Service website capability you can deploy net core2 prev2 now there right yeah yeah no it's essentially essentially um a SAS service right you don't have to do much and so um one of the great scenarios that they have for websites is you can put all your code in a GitHub repository public or private or Visual Studio team system I think you know about that yes um and put that in on Visual Studio team system you can either use git or TFS and then team Services though oh sorry team Services thank you I I almost didn't catch it myself okay because you know you say something that close yeah it's a bit hard yeah so um you can check in your source code and then you can set up um a trigger such that every time you commit at least to a particular Branch uh then you kind of have a cicd flow and then your code gets um pushed to production in your Azure website so I actually do that on some of my sites and um it's awesome but when you do that you're not you're not the one who's shipping net core you're just effectively shipping source code yeah and so donet core has to be in the cloud in Azure um for that to because it's so so we we control what's in there what's enabled and app service belief supports like no GS and net the you know Standard Version and now that net course up to preview to for the F release yeah so when anyways whenever we ship we try and have um same day shipment to to Azure and so we have to work with that team um and they're awesome actually um to make sure that if you want to host your Preview 2 site in Azure also on same day you can cool um another one is we do a lot of work with Docker uh we've had Docker images now for I want to say like two years on uh dockerhub and we've actually learned a lot um in that time frame and also Docker has changed a fair bit and those are Linux images behind the scenes right uh no both we have Linux and windows images there um that's actually that's was an awesome segue actually so in the past Docker was Linux only and then um the windows team started talking to the docker folks and said ah we think um Windows would be good here and so many changes needed to be made to Docker not just to make it Windows friendly but just to enable it to support another operating system no matter what that was doer started a small company Linux was the thing that they started with it made sense for them to do that yeah so we've been working closely with um the docker team um the windows team has but so has um the net team and so there's been cases where something about Docker didn't work super well for us and um they've actually made changes to the public Docker implementation yeah which has been awesome and their tools and windows are getting much better I mean they you know they didn't start there but now it's it's beautiful I can install it and just works most of the time yep so one of the things we did is um there's this concept called U multiarch uh which U Maybe describe a little bit later and um it basically says what's the default um Linux version that you'll use and so Debian 8 also called Jesse um was the one that we've been using for the past two two years and so this new version called stretch Debian 9 came out um and they're all named after Toy Story characters um cool yes um it came out like two weeks before we shipped Preview 2 and so we decided that that was the time to start uh making stretch our default there actually is a a quicker path to security fixes going into stretch than Jesse so that was actually the biggest motivator for us we felt that for customers that aren't that are basically just trusting our default Choice which I think is probably a lot of customers we wanted to make sure that they were absolutely in the best spot and we felt Dean stretch was that because of this um it's it's the latest so it's probably got all the goodness but we also saw that they fix security issues there the fastest so cool that seemed like an Easy Choice yeah it looks good um sus Linux we've started to talk to the sus company they wanted us to support sle2 and we did cool um um Mac OS High Sierra so Apple puts out you know one or two Mac releases um so far they always break us um during their beta period and so we always have to make changes um High Sierra is turning out to be more work for us to support than Sierra was Sierra was actually quite small what the issue was and so we don't have um in preview two uh we don't have support for Mac OS High Sierra even though it says it here um it's it's limited uh so we are an issue that but maybe there's more there is we're still in preview like that's one thing I want to tell the audience likeo this is still a preview release we're not here talking about something that's you know supported in production or or ready for prime time this is to get people ready for the newest thing yeah so what happened is uh in this time frame yeah we fixed a bug which is you couldn't even run the net command um or you could run the net command but you couldn't run net new or restore right you couldn't do anything with it you couldn't do anything useful yeah that was fixed in the preview two time frame but then we found another set of bugs that we I think didn't know about when I wrote this blog post so we're very actively it's actually the uh if I think about what's left in the net core 20 release that is the most the most active effort right now so we're putting a bunch of effort into it we've filed I think four bugs um with apple that they're looking into so we're doing everything we can that's cool and then when we um do support um High Sierra we'll do it for two and the 1.x releases yeah and and we're talking about the dev environment for people right so if you you work on on Windows today you're fine if you deploy to Linux you're fine in the sense that you can you we don't know of anything that should block you in theory right this is the one Dev environment where we we're still working for some problems oh yeah no this is um not every customer for sure is going to be affected by this and it will get fixed it's just we we want the Mac developer to be happy yeah and I mean this is mostly about now people who have already adopted it being successful MH I completely um believe that we'll have all of this fixed by the time high sier ships um so I imagine 99% of people using MacBooks are not on higher it's not out there either we're just we're just that forward looking we want to be sure we're there when they do ship yeah I mean actually you need a developer account with apple to even download this uh which I actually I I have I have another MacBook that um has higher on it um which I've actually lent to the dev team so they can fix this issue cool um couple more things uh net restore is this um command that people had to use all the time to restore their noua packages um every time you changed your project file it would invalidate the the restore that you had run and you would have to run it again uh I think that was annoying to a lot of people certainly was to me so we've made that command implicit for all the other commands that require restore to have occurred so build and run and publish are and test are all good examples of those so do you check for changes I guess and run it as needed or you guys always yeah no it's it's smart um it so uh so that's huge we got a lot of people happy about that yeah I think I saw that during build when I think Hanselman was demoing something or Daman somebody was doing the demo and yeah yeah that was cool it is cool um you can now reference NET Framework libraries fromet standard so this one's a little bit surprising um and is is not um kind of in alignment with some our decision-making from the past the way we used to do things um and I this is a little bit tongue and cheek so hopefully no one is upset by this comment but it's we used to kind of think like oh dear developer we we know better than you so we're going to set some policies that keep you safe um and it's uh it's not like all of those decisions were bad clearly a ton of them um helped people who wouldn't necessarily have known that they were supposed to go left instead of right um in this particular case um uh clearly not every single NET Framework Library that's been written will run on net core on Linux for example sure clearly if you're um newing up WPF buttons then that's not going to work at all but we did this analysis and we found that uh over 70% of libraries on actually that sorry 70% of NET Framework libraries on noua actually fit within the um the constraints of doet standard 20 and so we said to ourselves why would we not those those libraries not all of them is are going to get converted to net standard 20 on day one yeah at day 365 um a bunch of them won't have been converted and anybody that's been for the cycle knows this is going to be like the the point of like oh I can't move forward right like that net stand net C get gets released it's great it's in production I can use it and then I need some library now I can't that would have been really bad for people yeah so we decided um we're going to enable people to depend on any D framework Library they want um actually is a warning in the product to um to tell you that this is a decision point that you need to make um so you're taking out a dependency that's only going to work when The NET Framework of whatever version or that component of whatever version that depends on the framework will now have to be there when you're running your application and your environment so it won't work on Linux if you deploy it because there won't be that no no that that's not quite how it works okay so tell us um so you don't need DNA framework in place um all it means is uh like inside a doet framework Library you know it's just IL code it's just a bunch of I instructions there's nothing there's no windows per se that's in there um so if in the best case scenario you have a DNA framework Library the apis that it use uses fits within the spec of dunet standard 20 and that will absolutely work on um net core on any one of the operating systems and you don't need to install anything other than net core in order to make that work Mak sense right um because it's just code um just it's super simple now um like I said we put a there's a little warning there and you actually have to and we can show you this later although um it's not quite working yet um uh there's a little warning there that you have to put on each package reference to make it very clear that you've made a decision because it's um kind of a buyer beware scenario but like I said we didn't feel like we should be the ones putting this policy in front of people and preventing them from getting their jobs done right we we removed the the inflexibility right so we made it flexible you can do what you want but then we tell you when you're paying potential price that okay uh I guess the only other thing I'll mention is we got teased actually a little bit we had um we've had these somewhat crazy file names now you would think like why do people care care so much about file names but so for you know our msis our Zips our pkgs um uh not only did people not like them I think they kind of thought we were insane and um there was some reason for them to believe that uh so in D Core 2 we did a complete revamp of all the file names and all the package names like as it relates to like appg on Linux um a group of us sat down months ago now and we wrote up a spec which is actually now on GitHub and um we said we know you haven't liked our file names here's our new our new proposal for how the file names are going to work and we got a ton of thumbs up and then we implemented Building open down to the file names back oh yeah down to the file names back that's awesome um but people cared about that a lot so and and I and I get it so cool um I guess I'll just show one more um I know we probably want to get to demos um so this isn't really a net core 20 thing per se but um c 7 kind of landed in the same general time frame as us it shipped um with vs 2017 um RTM and so I just want to remind people so we're not going to go through this whole this whole document but I want to remind people that c 7 is kind of like um sibling project to core 20 um it's c 7 is absolutely supported inet core 20 so one one before actually no no no you should be no you can use it there too um but if you're using vs 2017 C 7's there for you if you're using that neor it's definitely there for you and you should you should take a look some of the cool things we've done with that yeah so it's it's just in the same time frame um they're actually started work on C 7.1 yeah um already that's definitely not shipped yet but um it's definitely a sibling project that um we work super closely with these folks I felt the need to mention it yeah and you guys also Shi like Entity framework core 20 also had a preview release at the same time so again we can't cover everything in this episode but we'll have links in the show notes for for all of these things and did I miss anything else I core too aspet core oh yeah so when I think of net core I somehow think of ASP but it's not the only thing it is yeah it's also the core Library yeah for sure um just one other tab um so in GitHub we created this um repository called um uhet announcements um there's actually an announcement so we we copied um that um and uh we've actually started posting announcements here on a fairly regular basis and so you can watch this repository and um so use the issues tab to post something that you you're changing as you guys head towards RTM right and uh so one thing we do is uh whenever I post one I'm not the only one who does this but we actually lock the conversation right from day one and the reason we do that isn't because we're trying to prevent discussion it's that um for people that watch the repository all they get are our announcements there's no additional conversation which could be an immense oh yeah set of traffic some change could like a file name I don't know you guys say oh that's F spec we forget it we're going back to the old file names yeah so um what we do is there's always this detail section and then these are the actual issues on GitHub where this thing was discussed and then you can click on those and have the discussion there if you would like cool so um yeah that that makes sense people should go to where you're actually working on the issue because that's tracking that change and this is just the summary for for like the high level overview this is what we've changed why we've changed it yeah that's exactly of that but I encourage people to go check out this repos and watch it so they keep I missed this so even I'm learning something today yes very cool we'll link we'll link it as well okay um awesome yeah we have some notes Here I was wondering if there's anything that we missed that we wanted to talk about we've got um I think we covered the majority of it okay so we'll just go to some more demo oriented stuff yeah so let's let's look at some demos I think the first one that you had on there was uh you're going to use the Mac we're going to show a visual studio for Mac so folks maybe you missed this release so uh we we have G8 a product called visual studio for Mac so that is available out there for you and uh rich is about to show you how uh visual studio for Mac can be used not just for mobile development but for web development yes with net core too yeah so um uh right now um net core2 is not supported in the stable channel so right now I'm in the beta Channel when VS1 15.3 ships then the bits that I'm using now will go to the stable Channel and everyone will be able to use this this is actually almost identical to what's happening with uh Visual Studio for Windows is if you want to doet Core 2 development you need 153 153 which also preview which is also in preview so it's it's basically the same yeah I just wanted PE we've had a lot of people come to us and say like oh I tried to use vs for Mac or oh I tried to use Visual Studio on Windows and I couldn't doet core 20 development we're in this period where you need preview releases of these Ides and in order to play along right because there's a whole toing experience that goes with it so therefore it has to evolve and and get to a g at some point but like I'm assuming vs codee's a bit more straightforward because just a code editor you can edit your code you don't need do you need to be I guess I'm just asking the question to be on some unstable version code no that's that's that's right you do not okay so code is the only one you can just pick up RTM version of yeah so code ships quite um regularly yeah very regularly uh well sorry it's it's actually has almost nothing to do with code per se it's actually the C extension that is the the thing that's giving you theet support yeah the experience the bugging the intellisense all that comes from so that also ships quite regularly so as long as you're on the latest one you'll be you'll be fine so there's no like preview version of that c extension no well there there are preview versions as well you yeah but you don't need them for for this okay cool okay so I'll just show the super basic experience um I'm just doing full screen just so we don't have to look at all the stuff on my desktop and so um yeah if you haven't seen visual studio for Mac before this is what it looks like there's a a set of different kind of categories um there and so naturally we will go down to theet core area uh we have uh console app and then um core app so let's we might as well start with that sure and so the first screen that you see is a target framework so for this demo we're definitely going to use net core2 um and pretty soon that's what everyone is going to be using and then um toolbox and create a project and and would I would assume that this solution checked into your G repo on vsts or GitHub somebody with a PC and the Mac can work on the same project that just works oh for sure um by default there is nothing OS specific um that is added to your projects uh you you would have to do uh something in particular yeah to make it your code would have to break the runtime for your Mac colleague right or vice versa it's not about our tools it's not about our framework definitely and I and I do that all the time there's um a project that a personal project of mine that I work on where um sometimes I'm on my desktop PC at home sometimes I'm on my desktop PC at work and sometimes I'm on this MacBook on the plane and um I'm just always going um back and forth cool and uh it all works so yeah we start here with this blank screen and uh this is kind of like solution Explorer from VSS sure and all of this kind of looks normal yeah I mean it's it's the solution yeah you got the code and uh we have new get dependencies and we're just just dependent on umet core2 so that all looks normal um if you want you [Music] can uh how do you do this oh I can't quite see it anyway I was going to say you can edit the project file but I'm I can't I can't this is the one time I'm not helpful yeah edit file there that might do it um but I think that's edit the file okay that is that okay okay so you can uh look at your project file you can see it's relatively small um yeah and you can edit here if you want anyway let's um I'm just going to run the app uh this is where um full screen is probably not going to be the best choice oops um okay oh wow that was quick um so that opened up that application so local local run local debug yeah and so here you'll see actually we're on Local Host 5000 Port 5000 which is the default you can certainly change that and if we go here and set a break point in this controller that's the home controller yeah that all that all works and you've got your Freds you've got your call stack all all well not everything from Visual Studio on the PC but with quite a bit of those capabilities are are there in the Mac version yes all the basic things that I would expect to be there are there yes they're they're totally there um yeah so we're we're all kind of at home there and like you said you can move this project your your PC and it would all work every time I see this I'm still blown away that we have a Mac ID that we have a code Ed editor that can run on Linux that you guys ship into Docker containers I mean it it's just a whole new world it is a they F open US Open sourcing this thing years ago would be the big thing and now it's like a open source whatever this is you know this is the really awesome part of it all because the productivity you get with with an ID sometimes is just much better than just a code editor and some vice versa so we give you the choice and we have a community version right so this a free version of vs4 for Mac it is um yeah it's amazing you can just go and download this and just start using it and um I mean there are some rules about um sure there's a license you should read the license we we're not lawyers blah blah blah disclaimer that's not our um well Richard might be a lawyer I don't know I hav asked him that question um yeah okay I was trying to see if this one uh this other demo actually might be on my other machine I was wanting to show some stuff with unit tests yeah that's the second demo that we wanted to do the unit test one uh oh yeah no it's here cool it's this label got on on top of um what I was trying to show right so we're switching to to a different solution different project yeah this is actually one of my it's not really a personal project as in when I work at at home or for it is actually a work project but um it's not really part of my main job sure it's this this isn't building that net for a living but yes um something related and you've got some unit tests in there yeah so let's see um I've actually never seen how you do unit test in vs from Max so uh I have similar yes I have done this um let's see I hope so if I do I have done this um uh actually quite recently um where are the test oh run unit test there we go so what we should see so I have two projects here reder is the actual um uh yeah the project you're the project and reader tests yeah there we go yeah so you got like a test test Explorer or whatever it's called in in the PC version nowadays and you can see how they did once you run them yes so you can click this run all button and uh these are the so actually I guess I have I think I had 21 or 24 tests it only seems to be finding 16 but um yeah but I guess the the big fact here is that it you know what we're trying to demonstrate we've got you know that net core it's running in a Mac we got an ID it's running in a Mac we're debugging we're running locally to to debug with I with a local well not IAS I almost said IAS I don't think a Mac has I but they have a web server where you guys brought something with it and you can actually unit test against that as well so it's a full normal life cycle yeah so you might actually not know this um but um so we have this web server called kest kro right yeah so that's our default web server in all cases yeah even on Windows Windows um and so with done framework the way that uh it integrates with is in process um so it it has a very kind of close relationship and they're kind of tied together at the hip um whereas with kerol we kind of went with this different model which is actually more similar to um the the way other people build um web Frameworks in the world and so testerol runs in its own process um it's actually not intended uh in this time frame frame to be a front-facing web server you actually put another web server in front of it like I like enginex um like Apache that is actually the thing that takes traffic and then it kind of proxies that traffic see to kestel and so there's a whole series of um attacks for lack of a better term or um challenges that Kestrel doesn't have to deal with because this front-facing web server deals with it it's not taking the traffic so the the attack would hit that first whatever exactly and now at some point we may decide to make keral appropriate for those scenarios but in certainly in the net core 20 time frame it's this behind front-facing web server scenario cool I I forget it's cestal open source it is yeah awesome it is uh and under the hoods um something didn't work well with this test I have no idea it's almost like we're showing a preview release it's almost like we're showing a preview releas and your machine which might even for you remember have some bits you didn't intend to so actually the next thing was um we were going uh Docker yeah well I I want to um oh oh uh I was on the wrong machine I want to try oh you want to try run I want to try it on this so that people think that um I was truthful about my uh there we go actually this project is um oh yeah test explorers up y um this project uh has a it it's hosted in git and um it has that uh continuous deployment experience with Azure websites that I talked about before okay cool um and so I know that when I'm working in it when I check into master than it does the auto deploy your tests have to pass first I'm assum yeah exactly makes sense and so we'll run all the tests uh it has to build them all first unexpected eror okay there must be a problem with this but uh yeah but the test passed the test all passed shows you that and um so that's good yeah 21 tests passed they're just a warning it seems like but otherwise um I think that probably fits into our oh actually the warning has to do with my code um that actually has nothing to do with Don Corey it's because um there's an await I'm using in a non-standard way i' I've seen these in my own in my own life quite a few times that that exact warning okay so so I think I proved to everyone that I have I have tests for that project so let's let's talk about um Docker Docker so here's the experience so you underneath the web node and then there's a um net core web application on net core scenario I'll just quickly explain what the other two options are so the very first one is NET Framework web app that that's going to enable you to build a web forms or an MVC application onet framework that's that's not core right that's that's what was there before that's your web application and core is the same thing but using core so you don't have certain things like web forms yeah and then the very last one is we enable a scenario where you can build use the as p. net core web framework but run it on top of NET Framework and so um that's a good choice if you want to opt in to the new web framework but um you have dependencies on um components or apis that are not inonet core um or if you want to kind of do a um you don't want to do the whole migration at once to donet core it's like let's let's change our web framework to core get get that in place and feel comfortable and then we'll move the base toet core as a second step so you could do that too that makes sense so are you pointing this out because you need to use the middle one the core web application for the docker scenario right uh actually yes um Docker might work in the I think Docker works in the first one as well I believe we don't yet support it for the third one but we intend to okay so what happens is you pick you get this menu it tells you which um Target Frameworks are available obviously we use 20 and then um there's a check box called enable Docker support I have it checked and you get to decide whether you want to Target windows or Linux yeah and and basically just the docker tools should be installed on on the dev machine before that's a very good idea otherwise won't work otherwise it won't work and so it creates your project in the very bottom you've got a whale got a whale it doesn't seem to have any errors which is also a good sign as I learned the other day uh when I was cursing at my computer only slightly yes but that was all my fault it turned out uh it's possible so right now I'm on Windows containers if you can see here it's says switch to Linux containers yeah so um I I use both and so here's the the docker file um I actually write these Docker files all day long um this is actually this piece here is the um Zoom here I always forget where that is 200% yeah that's the base image um that you're using it's actually going to be downloaded from dockerhub it actually isn't downloaded from Microsoft although we push um our images there um ourselves yeah well well it's it's their rep Docker has a repository of images if anybody new like like me to the daer world I'm still ramping up and we publish our image with with certain path over here you can specify which one of those images you want to pull from us or from whoever yeah and this Docker file is is the thing that tells Docker what what's your intent yeah so when you press the the the button here so that that is normally the debug button here it says Docker what it's doing is it's um making sure you have all the right assets on your machine from dockerhub um I did that ahead of time so we should be good is it going to show you what it's doing in the alpha window because it seems like you hit the button right and it's doing something is there some activity okay so there you can actually see like I as a developer love to know what's going on call me paranoid but yeah actually we're going to um do some more work in this experience so that people that don't know they're supposed to go to the output window to see progress will get some kind of a progress experience because some parts of Docker um just can take a long time um particularly if you have a slow internet connection and uh so what it does is it downloads all the right required assets from Docker Hub it then builds a Docker image uh and then it runs it yeah um and the first time takes longer than um other times so it's the usual rules apply first R yeah and then then we get that same website because we're using the same cool template and um and and the great thing here is that now you're you're you could be sure that once you build it against your Dev environment using this Docker approach it's going to work when you push it to the next environment the the thing that Docker does for us right one of the big biggest things and and the thing from vs now that I've had time myself to play with it you can attach you know break points right all that stuff your Dev experience works the way you you expect it to basically right so we can change this press save and I believe that was the about one which is actually the one we're on cool so I actually then just stop debugging to change your your HTML that's cool yeah so I would have so stopped debugging that I'm so used to that it called me person have it but yeah so I did not um I didn't change anything yeah so it's watching the file system as you change project files yeah and I think I think I can even change this change this razor syntax it's probably going to say something not very useful now but oh okay changes to nothing but that still proves the point yeah that um it did take the change it just didn't compile I guess to to read the page or I don't know what actually was um what was in this actually if we if we switch it back now let's let's see yeah that's that's a good test yeah there you go so um the main point is you know we've had features like I didn't continue to try and make people super productive as we've adopted this you know fairly significant technology like Docker we've actually tried to retain as many of those high high productivity experiences um and I think I just demonstrated that yeah yeah it's very cool now I know we we also um had a multi-stage build that did you want to show that sure yeah so that one I'm going to show from the command line um it's very new um so what what is it I could describe because even I'm not sure what what you're going to demo yeah so one of the things with Docker that on the face of it is actually there's two goals that are a little bit contradictory um meaning up until multi-stage build it was hard to um be green on both of them um even though you want it to be so I'll tell you what the goals are one is you want to be using Docker all the time meaning um I'd like to both build my application in Docker containers and then host my application in Docker containers and also do the thing in the middle which is test in Docker containers because the promise that you get from Docker of consistency and reproducibility is is equally valuable at all three points and then the second goal is that um I want my prod my runtime based stcker container to be as small as possible I don't I don't really care nearly to the same degree about my um Dev time and my test time sure containers the reason why this was um I won't say contradictory but um there was friction in achieving both these of the same time is because you had to write these scripts that took ran you know built uh your app with one Docker container pulled out some assets and then put them into a test container and then took the results of that um and then finally you build a runtime container so this was all possible but not very easy so a lot of people didn't do it so what multi-stage build is is you can build a single Docker file that describes this whole thing there's no scripts you can actually in a declarative way take the output of one Docker container and use it in the Pro in another one and um even better yet you can actually dock or run so imagine you have like a four stage multi-stage build you can actually dock or run to just the second or third stage if you want so you don't even have to do the whole thing that's cool so show it over um yeah so we have I'll take you to another GitHub thing umnet neter samples and um if you actually go down here to the read me it actually says multistage build I'm just going to summarize this it says we've updated the samples to use multi-stage build uh which is awesome and [Music] so um if I oh I guess I'll I'll show you one of them so I would actually say we're probably one of the first um developer platforms to adopt multi-stage builds so here is the first from and we're saying um this is my base image and then I'm giving a name to um this thing I'm about to build I'm calling it build environment and then this whole thing um through here is build environment and then I'm creating a new runtime image right so so the the from command is is declaring the start of yes yeah that's basically your demarc decator yeah and so I'm using another base image I don't have an as here because there's no need because you only really need an as if someone after you is going to use you and in this case there's there's no one else this is only a two-stage one yeah but this second one is is in the copyright it's referencing that build environment from the from parameter exactly so you you you followed the the syntax yeah I've never seen this before but here it's simple enough yeah so you're saying from this other guy the first one please grab this directory from that first image and then copy it to the to the working director and um and then let's go so all I'm going to show you is um actually we can just do it right here because one of the cool things about Docker oh no I need to never mind uh need to get to where your sour yes sorry yeah that's the one trick you still have to follow yeah um let me just see just make sure yeah I tried it on this machine so um actually we we did um windows before how about this is probably a really bad idea for um you mean something you didn't prepare to demo and you're just like oh I'm just going to demo it yeah let's go why not this is toolbox this isn't uh bu key you should be all right okay I think it worked so let's do Famous Last Words Richard yeah Docker build minus t we'll say toolbox demo and then dot so it means I'm going to pick up the dot oh I'm in the wrong directory so that's I was about to say I tyed in I typed in awesome command line um and I'm gonna go into prod that's the one I think we were looking at yeah so Docker build um minus t tool toolbox demo Dot and so oh it's I ran this before um here um okay well it was really fast I'm not going to undo the fact that I ran this before it actually Dem maybe this is a good demo actually it demonstrates that um the docker tools are really smart so when there's when it's already done the work yeah and no changes I guess yeah it knows that there were no changes so it's like I'm I'm good cool so but then we can whatever that spelled um so that was an awesome command if that existed I was like what is it doing uh I think it was toolbox demo is that what we called it toolbox demo I believe and so that that that was pretty fast this is I guess actually has net core 111 in it although Linux doesn't really matter um and I'd say that startup time was was pretty good we're booting up a a Linux container M on Windows and then we're boo up net core uh inside that container and running this app and in case you can't tell what this is this is our our friend netbot saying yeah I love I love this thing welcome to using net core cool um cool was there anything else we were going to show or well we wanted to talk about that net standard but I think I think we we've covered a lot today so I'd love to have you or Emo or somebody come back and and I think we can do a whole show just on that I think so and we still need to deliver that that n Stander message to a lot of folks and clar ify things and as it evolves too who knows but uh I think this has been a good s demos awesome I love this all right well thank you so much Richard I think our fightings there appreciate it and we want to thank you for being in toolbox and thank you folks for watching if you have questions please uh post post the questions down the FR and we'll make sure all the links that we showed you are available and please come back to the next episode of toolbox thank you very much thank you [Music]

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