Monday 21 October 2024

.NET Core 2.0 Released!

hi I'm Scott hunter and I'm here today to talk about net especially not net core today we just released net core 2.0 and you can grab it today at do tnat slash core go out there and grab it right now and for the next hour so I'm going to go through all the new features all the new cool things in net core that you want to check out so first off before you can get into that we have our virtual conference net comp which comes out September 19th through the 21st this is a great virtual conference that you should block out some time for and you're going to have all the experts at Microsoft on the team you're going to have a lot of the experts in the community talk about net over those couple of days and all the new stuff that's core 2.0 so you can check it out at net comp net and we will see you there next let's jump into dotnet core 2.0 I think that a quarter point O is the kind of the first real release we shipped out to core 1.0 last summer and it was a great version but it had preview tooling and we know we got feedback from customers that all the api's we're not there and so then a core tune kind of rust over all the rough edges and the coolest thing is as part of that McDonough core 1.0 we talked about how AFC net core was one of the fastest web frameworks on the planet we've made dotnet even faster in dotnet core 2.0 so now we're about a web app is about 20% faster depending on how you run it Dan Ross going to talk about that limit later today more AP is one of the biggest feedbacks we got on deck or 1.0 was hey a lot of my favorite API is the old dotnet EP has them used to things like data sets are not there they're all back we have a bunch new project templates so now if you want to build an angular app with asp net core or react with app with a ethnic or those are all in the product more distros one of the cool features of dotnet core is the fact that we are multi-platform it runs on Windows Mac and Linux we've added a whole bunch more Linux distros core to and even better for a developer we have a the ability to target generic Linux and that means you can actually run net core to on most linux's without even installing a specific version for that particular Lenox simplified packaging if you follow this in decor 1.0 we broke the framework into a lot of packages thinking that would be a great way to update all those individual pieces separately but into being that it was too hard for us and it's too hard for you you don't want to have to reference all these individual packages and find out we're going to guess where which api's are in which packages and so now we've made it very simple in you reference one package for dotnet core you reference one package and you're good to go we have new and improved visual studio tooling we'll do some demos of that a little bit later on but much better tooling and we have great BS for Mac support as well so everything I show in dotnet core to you can run the same stuff in Visual Studio for Mac so let's also talk about this is exciting as well with the release of that net core 2.0 just a couple days after we ship Red Hat will have the Red Hat version core 2.0 as well and they have a great no-cost developer license that you can grab at the URL here to try dotnet core 2.0 on Red Hat so really excited to have Red Hat following us so quickly into the - oh wave let's talk about the the open source aspect of net this is one of the things that really excites me is two years ago when we first started saying we're going to open to arsenic core we had no idea what the reaction is going to be was the community can come and come join us and help grow Nets and the cool thing is they really have if you look at this chart you can see the amount of pull requests by the community over the months we're at a point now where about half of our pull requests are actually from the community and even better you can see that we've had a bunch of cool companies embrace us because of the Samsung is building their Tizen platform for their televisions their mobile devices and their appliances and wrist wrist watches on dotnet core so you can actually use dotnet to program all those things we have earlier games they've moved a game they were building their own web server and net and they recognize one day that we were trying to make net core super high performance and so in trying to build a competing web stack they actually came and helped us make dotnet core way way faster and so when you see the tech and power benchmark where we scored really well last November it gains helped us a whole bunch and you can see here as well we have a foundation a dotnet foundation by big people industry you can see we have Red Hat Samsung jetbrains uni and Google that are all participants in this so it's the open source thing has been great for net now let's talk about dotnet standard this is my favorite part of net core and and and even xamarin and when we started working on that core a couple years ago one of the challenges we had with dotnet was there's lots of nets there's not net framework there's Ameren there's there was not net core there's mono there's lots of dot nets out there in the world and they each had different sets of api's and so we said as the dotnet team let's stop this we want dotnet to be consistent across all platforms and so dislike html5 is a specification for web applications dotnet standard is a specification for dotnet and what that means is if you're a dotnet platform and you want to be you want to be known as platform you have to implement the dotnet standard and that's basically a contract of a bunch of AP eyes and so any net that we consider a real net that influenced at that standard has to have all those AP eyes and that's pretty cool because it means you can easily move your code from xamarin app to agentic or app to a dotnet framework application and later this year with rs3 of Windows you people do the same thing with you to PP applications as well so let's look what that looks like what we basically did with that net standard 2.0 is we added about 20,000 api's back we took the intersection of all the api's that were in xamarin and all the api's that were in dotnet framework and use that as the basis of what this would look like and then we went through and added all those api's back to dotnet core 2.0 and so much bigger surface area the other cool thing about that standard too is when we look 70 percent of all the nougat packages in new georg actually support standard to today which means as a especially as an asp net developer or done in core developer a lot more of those nuga packages will work out of the box in your applications you might ask why don't some of them not work well some of those 30% that don't work with their referencing things like windows forms or WPF or technologies that don't exist on all the dotnet platforms the other cool thing about the dotnet standard is it doesn't require you to recompile any code and so in a demo I'll do in a second I'll take some a library compiled back in 2002 and just add it to my project and it'll just work and that's what's cool about that net standard 2.0 here's an example if you're a done it core 1.0 customer and you've been using it for a while here's a hint of the stuff coming back all of xml came back all serialization came back all the networking stacks came back all of i/o all threading all of core so I'm super excited we don't have it on the slide here but data came back as well so all the data sets data tables I've used those a ton in pass code and they all work great with that in standard two so let's do a quick demo so what I have here is I have an AF core one one app and I went out looking on the web for zip libraries and I found sharp zip Lib and if I look here look at this package it was built in 2011 s been out there for a long time so let's try to reference this in my h-net core 1.1 project so I'll bring up the nougat package manager here you we'll go browse find sharp and I'm going to add this to my project and notice that the package restorer and it rolled back that happened because dotnet core 1.0 did not support the api is required for sharp cichlid to work so let's instead let's move to a dotnet core 2 project here so I've got a dotnet core to project here I'll do the same thing again and first up this to show show this off a little bit I'm going to add the CS proj file and you can see this is core 2.0 zoom in a little bit here this is a dotnet core 2.0 application and because of Sutton at core 2 I can come back to the same example and say manage NuGet packages I can browse and let's sign sharp as if Lib and I'm going to add it and this time because we added TI's back notice that now getting the dialogue saying this is going to succeed the nougat package is added and I should be able to do a build here successfully added restoring to build everything works great so this is showing you that now I can take a dotnet core 2.0 application and because of dotnet standard 2 and the support we have for that suddenly all this existing code out there is available to my apps so that's not in that standard 2.0 the next thing is let's talk about performance improvements so one of the cool things about being open source is a lot of places where we don't have time this we're always focusing on you know new web frameworks or new libraries to bring into dotnet making it cross-platform we don't always have a chance to look at all the bugs out there and dig into all that code one of the cool things is being an open source project we've had tons of submissions from the community the diff fix performance problems in low-level pieces of nets that we've never had time to go look at and those are all in net core 2.0 we have profile guided optimization this is where we actually run applications through the system and measure how net behaves in those situations we do optimizations based on the profiles that we create by running the applications and then obviously we're we're running the same jitters that we are on the full framework on that net core as well one of my favorite examples here is ray gun they have a product called ray gun i/o and they use a node base back in a couple years ago and I ran into them and talk to them about dotnet court at the time and said hey we're doing all this perf work they actually took their same application which was doing a thousand requests per second on nodejs moves it's dotnet core and we're able to get 20,000 requests a second and that's mainly because of they are an i/o heavy application and we can do more background i/o than note can so that's kind of cool the next thing is as part of our launch today we also launched Visual Studio 2017 15.3 you can download it today at Visual Studio calm and we're going to talk a little bit what's new in it first off better together dotnet core plus vs is an awesome tool for building applications we have full support for dotnet core 2.0 and 15.3 and we also have full support for net standard 2.0 thought that standard 2.0 can be used in your win for Maps your WPF apps your estimate apps your attic or apps your console at school everything can use that in standard 2.0 the other thing we did is we made it very simple to have a project files that work both across the CLI and Visual Studio so we have great support from the command line if you're building net core from a command prompt or on a Linux machine or a Mac and these projects go back and forth we're going to show later today that you can also transfer these same projects back and forth between Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio for Windows one of the areas that I really love is code navigation improvements so today a lot of our customers actually have to go install third-party extensions to get the best out of Visual Studio and so we've been spending a lot of time over the last year trying to find the most common things that people are trying to use those extensions for and make sure we have support for those just in the box we're doing that because loading a third-party extension uses more memory slows the product down and so we're trying to get you all those same features faster with less memory another exciting part of vigil City of 2017 15-3 is we have CI CD support for containers this means if you're building containers in dotnet core you can basically go through a wizard and have a CI CD pipeline set up using V STS which will either target Azure app service or our asher container registry so right from vs as you make code changes builds will kick off in the cloud the land if they pass all their tests the land either an app service or the land and a container registry all built in another cool feature that we shipped in march with visual co 27:17 RTM was liveing at testing and the idea behind this was today typically you do test kind of an afterthought you write some code for awhile and at some point you run your tests also because it's a kind of an afterthought you don't really see when you're writing your code you have no idea what code is covered by a test what code is not covered by a test and so the idea behind logit testing is as you're developing you can see live in the in the ide which code has tests which code doesn't have tests even more so than that as you actually make source code changes in the product we actually will identify which tests have to be rerun we'll run them on the fly as you're editing and typing and you can see whether they're succeeding or passing and you get so great great visual coverage in the the IDE so that's life in your testing and next I'm going to do is I'm going to have Casey come on and she's going to do a demo of the editor work and lugnut testing so let me there's Casey from the team she works on net productivity on the tooling yeah hi guys I'm here to show you how vigil studio 2017 it's going to make you as productive as possible as you're coding Visual Studio 2017 has a lot of the awesome features that we have for other dotnet projects also for dotnet core for the first time ever we brought like live in your testing over core yeah I think you're going to show the do project system as well yeah and so you'll see all code analysis I'll show a little bit the new project stem and bunch of different things that you can do in dotnet core so here I have a simple net core 2.0 app it's basically just lets me yell at my Alexa in the morning figure out when my bus is coming and the first thing I want to do is show file globbing so files globbing allows me to just drag a file from here from the file explorer into my project and then you'll see it immediately appear over here on my solution explorer so this is automatic syncing between the file and solution Explorer now we're at existing file yep so Don to manually add the file yourself and sort one two merge from source control and things like that can you open the CSV file as well yeah I can also show you the new CS Praja so rather than having to unload a project and reload it to edit your CSS prajapati's now just do it directly from here so I can click on this and you'll see that the new CS proj file for dotnet core projects is really small and if you look closely you'll notice that when I added that direction file it doesn't exist in here I was not there yeah which means which will save it's a ton of time when you have ton merge conflicts in your CSS proj file from all the different files that you and your team have added and removed super cool yeah so they're just some of the productivity enhancements I've done for dotnet core project specifically you'll notice in this direction file that I added that I have a merge conflict in here so it's a result that we added actually a ton of newer factorings and visuals to your time 17 and you can see here I can you know choose to take the head the upstream or both of the changes that I had and so here I was on take the head and again I access this for factoring with control dot and now it's resolved this merge conflict for me hi so probably my favorite saying that we've added is I should feature we've had for a while but now we've remapped it and renamed it is ctrl T or go to all this allows me to quickly navigate to any file type member or symbol declaration from a single location so I know I want to go to this type that I have called plus helper so I can just use camel case matching to just type in the like the humps or whatever you want to call it of the letters and then it will navigate me directly there so as I was talking about we have live unit testing support for dotnet core now so I can go to test live unit testing and I can click start so what is live unit testing typically when we're unit testing we have this kind of like tension where we're trying to route what is the smallest number of tests I can run so that my R unit tests run in a reasonable amount of time but also a big enough sets that I can feel confident I've run enough tests to actually know that my change hasn't broken something else and so we're always trying to figure out what that but that compromise is between smalls number and the biggest summer for confidence and so once you actually find that set then you have to manually go click a button to run all your tests and then you have to go to a different window to actually find the results of your unit test and so live unit testing is actually removing all of that and doing it for you automatically so live unit testing will figure out what code is impacted by your code change and run those tests and then display:inline the results so you can see a red X means that this line of code is hit by at least one failing test a green check means a sign code is hit by all passing tests and a blue dash means this line is not covered by any test at all to me this is the coolest feature is just being that quick visualization what I have tested what I don't have tested what failing we have open up other windows or run other scoffs yeah you never have to lose the context of your development to see the impacts of your changes is awesome I can click on icon and see exactly what tests are hitting that line and you can just double click to actually navigate directly to the test itself so if I don't actually know why this is failing which I don't I can just right-click and choose the debug this test so this is all on dinette core so we have all assumed debugging support live unit testing support for dotnet core projects that we have with all the rest of the dotnet projects so if I should hit a breakpoint here and debugging a new feature that we added in Visual Studio 2017 is to run the click where if you hover next to different lines this little icon that pops up I can zoom in to show you that or I can say run on my program to this point so I can just do that and when I do that my execution failed because I've actually thrown an exception and this is a new exception helper that's part of Visual Studio 2017 where we cleaned it up and we try to put at the top level the most important information so here I'm throwing a reference exception so it would be nice if I knew what was null and this is actually telling me that the lot variable is null now I know exactly what I need to do I just go through all the air text behind that air anymore yeah I don't need to restart my debugging session to figure out and step into different things so again I was talking about we added a ton of new refactoring the Visual Studio 2017 so I who's come directly up to my parameter list and press control dot and now I have the option to add an old check for this parameter I can do the same for my longitude parameter as well and now in a single click I've added all this boilerplate to actually test my or do my node checks for me and without me having to think about it I don't know as I did that live unit testing figure out what tests was impacted by my change ran them for me and updated in the editor in the context of my development let me know that now all my tests are passing that's what's pretty great romaine anything yeah so now that we've shown debugging and summer factorings let's show a couple more so it just so happens so I'm going to use again control P to go to any place that I want so I want to go to the file called stop so I'm going to put an S to filter by files and type in stop it just so happens when you're trying to catch the bus in the morning it depends what direction the bus is going for which stuff you go to learn that the hard way when I first moved to Seattle so what I'm going to do here is now my stops we're going to have directions associated with them so I need to actually add a parameter to my construction constructor subdueth a time type direction and you'll notice now Visual Studio is actually suggesting a variable name for me for this parameter so like hey resurrection you probably I just want to name this parameter Direction and I can immediately do that also while my cursor is here I can press control dot and then I can create and initialize the property direction for me and I can do control dot again and add the nil check automatically as well and so again this is a bunch of quick little things just help you scaffold out your app without you having to really move anywhere and so it makes you a lot more productive I would use every one of those that's awesome yeah so now because actually added this for my serialization have to add adjacent convertor so again you can do the camel chase matching in here so I can type Jason C and they can see all the different things that match type of and again use the camel case matching to help me autocomplete unit testing is actually letting me know that nothing is covered by this and that's because I haven't actually used my updated constructor anywhere so to do that I'm going to go to final references to figure out all the places that I have this constructor lucky me it's only one place in this app and now I can just add my last parameter and here where I'm adding the direction of my stop to my unit test to check that it's working and again live unit testing went through figured out what code was impacted by this change figure out the tests that need to run and then ran them for me and now I can tell that all my tests are passing despite me adding a new parameter to constructor shuffling things around and stuff like that yeah so you might notice in here now are these pink dots over here which they're actually gray by default but pink is a lot better-looking to look at and matches the blue color scheme so I made it that way and this is a code suggestion code suggestions allow you to like hint best practices or alternate coding patterns to developers so if I investigate here you can see that's telling me to use the explicit type instead of var and this is part of the code style configuration enforcement that we've added to Visual Studio 2017 that's one of my favorite features where you can actually on a project basis go and set these rules and say these are the rules of the project everybody has to hear those rules in the write warnings or errors or whatnot and so we actually allow you to like codify all these different conventions you have in an editor config file so I can just navigate to an editor config which is an open source file format that we worked with the community and extended to work with dotnet code style and to see here all my different of our preferences so I've chosen four built-in types so when the type of the parent to use bar otherwise I want you to use the explicit type and you can configure this at the directory level so if you want to at the project or the solution level you can do those kind of things as long as it's in that directory you you'll also notice and here that when I actually converted to the explicit type I've used a c-sharp seven two pole which is my favorite c-sharp seven feature which allows you to return multiple values from a method so here I've returned both a route and a stop and you'll see that there's now pink little dots down here and if I investigate those I can see that this code suggestion is helping me learn the new language features where I saw me hey I've named my tuple element route unstop and so rather than using the item one and item two which is really hard to understand when you're just trying to access these different members we can now just directly use the explicit name instead so again code suggestions are really great for enforcing code style across your team and learning your language features but the other things are good for is helping learn best practices so we've actually in version 15 3 we have a beta version of the FX cop code analyzers where we've written all the FX cop rules which are just a ton of rules on best practices with performance and security we've written them as live analyzers in the code to get live feedback inside the editor on different code violations people use those before that used to be an external tool that you ran statically against your code and that was like being as an analyzer it's live in the product you don't have to actually do an extra step it just runs all the time and so here's an example of one that's here on my bus helpers if I do control dot to see what it's asking me to do I can see that saying hey you have all static members inside this class you should probably just make this class static so no one can instantiate it and again in a single click it will now make this fix for me we went through all the FX copper rules and took the ones we thought were most pertinent today and with the ones ones we're moving into analyzers yes so we took like the most commonly used ones that people were saying that they used and we made them into this extension that you can install today's I have installed here on the last thing I want to show is we have all these grades added lines going on editor here which are indent guides this allows me to hover over and just kind of get a better idea of like I'm that kind of like code and so I can see here that I have another class besides bus helpers in here and how the class called my stop info which is basically what my file is named so I'm just going to use the refactoring that we have to move this bus helpers type to a file with the same name because that's how my team likes to do it where you have a different file for every type and so in two seconds or less I was able to now make it into a new file and so those are just an again will let me notice the whole time live unit testing has been running and still let me know in the context of my development without me having to navigate to a different window or run a test or click a button that all my tests are still passing and so those are just my favorite things that we've added in Visual Studio 2017 to help make your dotnet development awesome those are awesome thank you very much good yeah thank you okay so now we're going to move on and do as you're functions in Visual Studio so there's been is huge push in the last year so this interest around building serverless computing and what this is is instead of building a full web application just building the small snippet of code that you actually want to run when something happens in the cloud whether a REST API gets called or you have a trigger that's fired from a vent or a file is added to a storage account something like that that's that this new model of programming called serverless computing and we want to make sure that c-sharp dotnet and visual C are the best ways to build those types of applications so with Visual Studio 2017 15.3 we've added support for Azure functions directly in the box and visual studio and this tooling is pretty cool you can basically build c-sharp functions and what's what makes the tooling so awesome is you can actually develop them locally first we have a emulator so you can run them locally in Visual Studio put breakpoints in them all that kind of stuff then when you're ready you can push them up to the cloud and you don't lose any of that functionality you can actually still put the breakpoints and run the breakpoints in the cloud just like you do locally so it's a great experience and we've changed the way that functions actually work they are now class libraries in Visual Studio which means you get all the supports of c-sharp all the tooling all the cool features that Kasey showed they all work with Azure functions now and so next I'm going to bring Andrew Hall up and he's gonna do a quick demo of Azure functions cool so this is Andrew Hall Andrew works on visual studio tooling all up and today let's let's talk about added functions yeah so as Scott mentioned already we've put it in the box for visual studio 15.3 update all you need to have is the Azure development workload selected you'll notice here that I don't have any of the optional components not because I don't want them just to prove that we don't need them so it's included by default in the azure development it's really tiny only adds a couple megabytes to the installation just check check out your development and you're good to go just check as your development you're good to go you'll get everything I'm about to show you so when you come into the cloud node in Visual Studio this is the new project experience you'll see the Azure functions project template shows up so you can pick that how do you have one that I've created and by default you'll see that it drops a empty project and I have two files so one is host Jason that I can configure settings this is all documented online but we're going to go ahead and build a queue trigger so when we push things into a queue we're going to pick those message up and process them and I've set the max polling interval I've upped it just for the purposes of our demo because I want it to process relatives and explain to people what this means is I've got a at your table table storage set up in the cloud and I've got a queue inside of that and you're saying anytime somebody puts an event into that queue it's going to call your code that's correct okay and so one of the great things about Visual Studio is we have a schema you can see we know the schema for host at JSON that we've created and I can configure settings so for example I mentioned what this max point interval is going to do is it's going to say this is a millisecond value check the queue every thousand milliseconds or once a second but if I hit control space because this is visual studios JSON editor so control space you can see I get intellisense for all the possible things that I can configure about my application so just by virtue of working in Visual Studio I don't necessarily have to remember the exact commands I just control space or start typing I get the intellisense that I would expect in visual studios first-class JSON editor let's go ahead and back back out of that the second thing I have is a local setting set JSON file and what this is is this is a file that lets me specify things like connection strings or whatever it's not it's by default going to be go dude from source control because it's supposed to be your local settings so the default get ignore that gets dropped with this will prevent that learn and source control but in this particular case I've populated a required property as your web job stored just as the required storage account for working with as your functions required for every function type except an HTTP trigger so now that we have this configured we have our storage account connection string plugged in we have our polling interval set up to make sure that we're it's going to pick up quickly let's right-click on this and let's say add let's add a new item and we're going to pick the Azure function template so let's call this which we call this let's call this our cue trigger and bring up dialog so let's go ahead and pair it so you have a whole bunch of types there so I'm seeing blobs event hubs generic webhook HP triggers Wow lots of lots of services in Azure yeah so these are these are all pre-baked in templates in visual studio these match the types of triggers that you can create in the portal as you mentioned on the portal by default you're working with a c-sharp script file so tsx as you already told people in the introduction one of the things that we've done in business videos we've made these class libraries to give you a first-class development experience it also gives you better startup performance and Azure because we've already done the work on the dessert on the on the client side to compile that into a dll right so you're not going from source every time so that's the face locator what does what does that do base locator I believe this is a cognitive service that actually find spaces in your images that's cool yes there's a lot of fun stuff to play with you can really waste a lot of time or I guess is not waste you can spend a lot of valuable time playing with creating your own as your as your function triggers with this hopefully a lot of people watching have already had the chance to try this because we had an extension that we shipped at build that was available to install on top of Visual Studio 15.3 so the big thing is we cleaned up cleaned it up a little bit fixed some bugs and as I mentioned we've now made it part of the azure workload as opposed to happy to be something you have to go install separately so let's call this our cue trigger and we have a connection string here so this will use our as ur/web job storage here as your web jobs storage and the path is my cue item this is going to be the name of the queue so if I go over here I have storage explorer open and I can see that I'm going to use this Andre how Channel 9 I can look at my cues and I can see that I have my cues items so the name of that's all going to line up and we're about to see one of the big benefits of going to pre compiled functions that we've done with the work that we've done in Visual Studio 15 got three after I create this for people to watch this if you see as your storage Explorer that's a great tool if you're actually using Azure storage you can search for that download that and it gives you a visual representation and in fact I actually use it to copy my connection strings so I when I do this exact same demo like it I connect that thing first in a copy of my connection string format your storage Explorer into vs yeah and that's exactly what I did that's a really good point I did went cooking show style a little bit I have that might you know pie in the oven what the connection strings already pasted in but exactly that's where I would have gotten the connection strings from one of the big differences I want to point out here now that we've generated our cue triggers es file for the pre compile function is you've moved away from a world where you're mapping between your Azure function and what you're going to trigger off of me information is decoupled so if you look at in the portal for example for Azure functions you have it at the SX file and then you have a separate function that JSON file where you specify all the information of what is the connection string and what is the cue that you're going to map to what we've done in Visual Studio 15.3 is we've brought in the azure web jobs attributes along with this new attribute called function names so the function name attribute indicates that it's the this is going to be an azure function so that's how the runtime will find it the private attribute all the configurations being moved attributes on the actual code correct so my CS file in this particular case is an entirely self-contained thing so I can see it I can edit it I can do it all in the same place that no more decoupling of those things so what's right so let's go ahead and run it so one of the things as you mentioned is we have a fully local loop so let's just go ahead and hit f5 to start debugging this application and so once it spins up we'll see that we'll have the console up this is the local as your functions runtime that you mentioned I think you called it your emulator in the introduction and so now let's open storage Explorer and let's go ahead to my q and let's push a new message into the Q and I'm going to expect that that break point is going to be hit so let's say hey Scott we push that into the Q and within a second I've hit in Visual Studio and that's why I upped that polling interval just to make sure that happen quickly and if I look at the my Q item that's been pulled from the Q I can see my string that says hey Scott so this is the message we just pushed into the Q ourselves cool so let's say that we were happy with the way that this is working locally it's a pretty powerful function right we can say hello to ourselves and log it to the console I had the ability from Visual Studio directly to right-click say publish and I can publish it directly to Azure and I can try that out in the cloud so we're going to go ahead and create a new as your function app so I'll click my publish button there and you can see that it's going to query my subscription it's going to populate some information from the cloud it's going to show me my options resource group I created a channel 9 resource group that we're going to use for this I want to create a new app service plan in this case going to show one of the powers of functions is this consumption plan and consumption plan is only available for service computing but what this means instead of these machines where have dedicated resources and I have a cost associated with paying for dedicated resources a consumption plan is only going to charge me by the millisecond that my application right this is really the benefit of serverless computing is I only pay for what I use correct and so we're going to go ahead and pick this same storage account we're working off before which is my channel 9 storage account and so now when I click create it's going to create all the resources that I want up on the cloud and then it's going to copy this application of the cloud that should be running up and Azure we should have the ability to go hit it so you can see that we're on step 2 of 3 so this will take a couple seconds ok I make an assets in the cloud this is a copy of stuff up at the cloud and then once you're done we can run and do all that kind of stuff perfect so now I have a summary I can see the time that I've been successful so let's go to my Azure portal I'm going to open up my list of function apps in this particular case I only have one which is the one that we just created I can see my function app when I click the this it's going to populate so I can go into my queue trigger function and so this is showing me the gist the JSON that's generated that mapping file that I mentioned that we used attributes for on the locally but it generates it and so if I look at my logs if I open up my storage Explorer and I push another message into my to which says this is the cloud and I click OK when I come back to the portal I can see that the message I just added this is the cloud so from visual studio I took my function app I compiled as a DLL I was able to right click publish it directly to Azure and it's now running an azure and it's going to fire and execute anytime that the events that I've chosen the trigger off of you're only paying for when it when it's called and we're not going to show it but if I wanted to I could also open the clot Explorer in Visual Studio found that same function and attach the debugger to it right some videos to you that's correct yeah you can just right click on it you can say remote debug so if for some reason it's working locally but you get it up into the cloud it's not working correctly you have the ability to debug it absolutely cool awesome as your functions okay let's move on from functions the next thing I want to talk about is we just today also shift Visual Studio for Mac version 7.1 you can also download this today at Visual Studio calm what's cool about this is digital scene for Mac has full support for dotnet core 2.0 you can build console apps API apps web apps all with digital to you for mac and it's got full support for dotnet standard 2.0 as well so all the stuff that I was showing a Visual Studio for Windows you can do in Visual Studio for Mac next I'm going to have James come out and we're going to show videos to you for Mac okay so I'm happy to introduce James from the mobile developer tools team working on xamarin and visual cue for Mac and all things mobile yeah you name it I do mobile I love it you know me I love this stuff and honestly I'm super excited to talk about all the brand-new Visual Studio for Mac features we have core 2.0 I'm crazy excited about yeah me too I've got this I want to show a hard example so you know we could've done file new and and built that and copied it from my machine of yours but I found this complicated app it's got all the stuff you might have in a real app if I scroll up here I've got data models I've got tests I've got a back-end front end let's run this thing it's a real app I can click see users need is going on so how about we copy this app from my machine to a memory stick and see if you can run it on the Mac that sounds good often I'm working with teams with multiple machines often on PC or Mac and this is the stuff that you have to do you have to be able to work on multiple machine so you got a dip great zip file on your stick for you okay and I'll give this to you all right and while we're waiting for him to set up one of the cool things that I like about visual Cu for Mac is both of our teams are working really close together to take the features of Visual Studio and move them to the Mac so my team especially we worked on living the HTML the CSS the Jason editor directly from Visual Studio to the Mac so when he's showing those in vs for Mac it's the same code that we have in Visual Studio yeah so all I did is I copied it the zip file to my desktop I went ahead and simply DoubleTap the solution and see here it should launch Visual Studio for Mac there we go and Visual Studio for Mac will give you a whole bunch of different file new project things and I'll walk through those in a second but already as soon as I open it up we can actually say that it's restoring all of my packages because you're kind enough to delete all of the need to get packages so it's a nice small zip which is nice and hold we can see is we have the same exact folder structure file structure intact so every single project in solution in the solution actually loads from my tests to my models to my actual web application here so you'll see all the dependencies all the files everything like that there we go it's gone ahead and packages are restored I'll hit go at this point is going to build up my donek web donna core 2 application and then deploy hopefully just like we saw just over there so let's give it it's building building building because it's a big rush it's a big app and I like it you didn't just do file new because that'd be way too easy right there we go launch into the browser there we go localhost 5,000 loads up visitors blows up my records and there we go the same exact app so you and I could be working in source control together and one one of us on a Mac one of us in a PC and just being productive exactly yeah I love it and then I can have all my normal debugging everything that you would expect all powered on Visual Studio for Mac now let me actually walk through some of the other things that we've done here because it's more than just ability to open the stuff so let me go ahead and actually walk you through Visual Studio for Mac a little bit so anyone new will have a little bit of experience when I go into a new project and I'll zoom in a little bit here we have kind of multi-platform applications that I'll walk through we have iOS applications Android Mac TV OS and right here is the dotnet core applications from libraries core and of course libraries right here I can come in create a dotnet standard library awesome right here if I go in and I say oh I want to what do I want to target down at standard - oh that is a single library that I can then share between all of not only my core donít core my Dameron applications and uwp applications - so kind of everything now we talked about getting started it couldn't be easier let's say I just wanted to create a blank council application I can come in pick between F sharp or C sharp I'm a C sharp guy so I'm going to say C sharp and again kind of a very similar flow of what flavor of dynacord I want and of course I want donek core - so say awesome da net core - now what this will do is it'll go off and just like we saw earlier it's going to go will see all of our dependencies here or SDK and we can see that we have our tool of to go to oh SDK now at this point I can just simply go ahead and hit a breakpoint set a breakpoint on hello world command line comes up and in just a few seconds debugging a dotnet core application right there here we go stop debugging from the council but it's more than just file blank new application right I can come in and I can do everything that you we're talking about with core in fact even the razor pages as well we wanted to bring over that similar experience so here if I come in and say awesome razor pages there what we'll see is that Visual Studio for Mac will of course not only scaffold out and bring in all my dependencies and nougat and SDKs but we're going to come in and we can look at our pages that are here so if I want to go into my about page I have my CF HTML I have my c-sharp code behind files and you can of course come in and modify any of the files you get full intellisense right inside of there if you want to come into your web root you of course can modify your JavaScript your CSS files so if I wanted to come in and adjust the padding we have the full intellisense coming in right it's the same CSS editor from visual studio for Windows so brought right over so now again just like we saw your application I can come in I can start actually building my application deploying my very first Rick I love Razer bridge is so cool from Visual Studio for Mac again it loads up it deploys as you'd expect and boom it's running I think this is awesome I can build my mobile apps in either vs for Windows or vs for Mac I can hold my web apps in vs windows ES or Mac yeah great experience yeah and you nail that you nailed on the head actually I want to talk about one final thing well I have the stage is that often I'm building back ends with donek corneas get on a core with web api's for my mobile applications and we made a drop-dead simple for developers to create a full multi application so under multi platform here I can select a salmon forms a mole based application or native iOS and Android app when I select that with one button click you can add an core Web API now I've done that here so I brought in all the packages and it scaffold out a full master detail application brings in master detail shared code for your mobile apps add on a standard library and an core application everything with Web API and a full website everything like that and what I love here is that you can see that I actually have i OS and a web as my startup projects was cool is that we actually have multi process debugging built-in so I can come in and set my iOS and my web application as the startup so I can actually debug my iOS app a my web has a service running and the mobile operating at the same time exactly so when I hit debug what we're going to see is that the iOS simulator is going to pop up it's going to launch my application at the same time over here launch my actual web site and here it's actually going to start hitting breakpoints so will actually let it spin up fully as we have some items there we go so we have an item here we have a website here and I can actually go to flash API flash item and we see we have one item C sharp is very sharp over here C sharp is very sharp now this is cool and I hit add let's hit an add new item here and I'm actually break pointing inside of the iOS project right when I have that item I'll sterilize it send it out to my back-end now what's really cool is it hits a breakpoint in my core application and it brings me to the code file right here another thing super cool continue on we can see that the actual item is now added not only in the iOS app but in the web app is right there then when I'm all done guess what you can do you can right click publish and publish to Azure cuz I need to put that actual core application right up into Azure I've logged in with my asher account so to quarry all of my services I can go ahead and select one or I can go ahead and create a brand new app service plan and everything all from Visual Studio for mac which is super awesome same experience and individual tee for Windows same experience in visual to you from Mac yeah that is a great experience we think developers are going to love it so go to visual studio comm and download the S or Mac today so let's move on next thing is a s phonetic or 2.0 lots of good stuff in a student core - first off faster in certain circumstances like running the Tekken power benchmarks it's about 20% faster than a s connect core 1.0 so very happy about that we have a new framework called razor pages and it's meant for people to want to build web apps sometimes the Model View pattern MVC requires you to have a bunch of files in different folders and stuff like that if you just want to go get some stuff to the web quickly we just want to write an API sometimes a simpler programming model might be more interesting and so that's what razor pages it I'm going to have Dan come up in a second and show that we've also added support for c-sharp 7.12 razor so when you use razor in asp net core 2 you get all the latest c-sharp features one of my favorite features is azure diagnostics and live analysis and i'll do a demo that in a second as well and this is you as you start publishing your apps to the cloud things change I no longer have access to the local machine how do I diagnose and debug these applications we've built a lot of capabilities in core 2 that enable this to happen automatically and Azure and I'll show that in a little bit another one is we know a lot of developers are building applications with angular and react and so we put templates for both of those programming models directly in the box it gives you a front-end application with a s connect or back-end as well so it's all wired together so it's a great starting place and then we always want our temples to give people best practices and so most of us probably use to factor off to access some of our popular websites and we typically do that with an Authenticator app on a mobile device and we built that same feature into a s connect core so if you want to build applications for your company and have them support two-factor authentication we've got great support for all of those those applications so next I'm going to have Dan Roth come up so I wanted to introduce Dan Roth from the eighth net team he's here today with me to talk about a s net core 2.0 oh yeah so let's just jump in I've got a quick demo before you go and I've got the same instant core application I was showing before that I added the old library from so it's you know it's with that in standard but what I want to show is I'm going to publish this out to the cloud and show this new diagnostic feature so week so let's go over here and right click on our app we'll publish click publish so this is going to help me diagnose my problems when my app is live yes so some of the feedback we got with a snake for 1.1 was we put a pin sites directly into the project templates and so some people complain there's a pin sites NuGet packages there's some stuff inside of my web app I'm trying to help I know we're trying to help and so what we've done in the incident core 2.0 all those same features exist but if I look there is no app insights in my new capacity my will just go and list let's show that real quick oops here comes the browser join my live app if I go look at my dependencies and I look at nougats there is no app insights there so we took it out so we'll know where that's what's gone so my apps running up in the cloud now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to portal and here is my app and I'm going to click on it and once it loads up in the portal something new is going to happen here notice this banner that you look at the top here click here to access app insights from monitoring profiling your Assn core application so instead of having to install app insights in my project inside a visual studio I can have inject it right from the portal so I'm going to click that button so this is without any like adding any packages or code to the actual appliqué a package is no code nothing just go right to the portal and say because typically maybe my developer is already published and I need to sit these insights I just go and let's enable it and this is going to create a app insights for my application and it's going to wire up all the new diagnostics so give it a second to finish that and notice once that happened the new banner shows up again no data automatically instrument your asp net application restart required so if I click this button this is going to relaunch my application and when the application relaunches it's going to actually load those assets like nougat packages that we did not install in the actual app on my developer machine okay so like it'll light it up just like it is liked it up bolt it on after the fact so let's watch here interpreting my application take a few seconds okay so I'm going to close the app insights panel real quick and show a couple other cool features about this my app is now running in the cloud and if I go down to diagnostics logs I'm gonna do something that you never could do before so before if you wanted to see logging inside of app service you had to actually go add a nougat package and hook some stuff up so I'm just going to go say hey I want some logging and I want my logging to be at the information level and I'm gonna click Save so I didn't republish my app my apps is still running that's been successful so let's go to log stream and what's gonna happen now is the portal is going to connect to the logging in in my ethnic core application and here it is live so let's go back to the web app and let's click around a little bit so is this like the core logging infrastructure like all the stuff that goes through I lager and lager factory it's just wired up just wired up no plea as I as I click around the application all of my logging goes in and what's cool is if you notice before I can set the information level so if I have information so a lot comes through I change it to warning and click Save then less information will come through because I've changed the warning level so I don't have to go and republish my application or do any configuration right from the portal I can live control the amount of information that I see the next thing if I go back there I can come down to the same section and I can click app insights app insights actually takes a little bit of time to actually open up so well hope things are hooked up here like provisioning from some app insights resource well for performance reasons it takes a while for your after I clicked around my app a little bit it takes a while for this to actually kick over in app insights because it doesn't want to slow your application down so it's actually slowly seeing that data around so we might not see it here for a second but let's go back let's click around a little bit more in the app go back to the portal let's do a refresh so look at there so now you're starting to see data flow through I didn't actually do anything as I said it takes it takes a minute or so for it doesn't start flowing through but the cool thing here is now developers can publish their apps to Azure without having any app inside configuration turned on right from the portal they can set their the log level they want see the live streaming logs in the portal they can also go to the app insights tab and see all the app insights data just flowed through automatically just by publishing doc just like okay logging and diagnostics so at this point let's flip over to you and I think you're going to show us what raised your pages yeah I'm going to show you a you know creating an application with core 2.0 so HP dotnet core 2.0 is all about making things easier like making it easier to get started making it easier to develop your app making it easier to build great UI let me show you what I mean so here in in Visual Studio I've already created an core 2o application this is just an empty web app and I just want to build some UI but let me let me show you some of this little difference your pages folder there yeah yeah that's that's where we're going to add our pages but I want to show you a few things first that are that are simpler now in this model like if I show you the the CS proj file for this product for this application you'll notice it's got just one package that's it and you don't need any other packages this package literally brings in all of core into this application so you no longer have to go hunting over the web to find which package do you need to get that feature that you want to use it also has just one version so you don't have to figure out like which version of which package you need to use with that other package over there you pick the version of the product you pick the version of the package and you're done and you're that's all you got to do and and literally everything's there if you want to reference individual packages they're all still there like if I expand the the node in the solution Explorer you can see them all now you might worry like isn't this going to make like package restore like crazy slow no because all the packages are already there as part of installing dotnet core yeah they're catch all these things with your machine so you don't have to worry about that and when you publish you don't need to bring all that stuff with you either because in dotnet core 200 we have this new feature called a runtime store so all those binaries are actually already there as part of dominant core - oh so and they're warmed up in cross-gen they're ready to go so you don't need to publish them with your apps your publish size is actually significantly smaller than it was in one Yanase to the core 1.1 or 1.0 application we were actually publishing 15 Meg's of MVC every single time you public was really good MVC bits but yeah if you did have to bring with you now you don't have to do that at all you can just just leave them behind they're already going to be there ready to go if we look at like program CS like that's also a lot simpler in this app there was a lot of stuff here that you had to do before like setup the server like wire up kestrel setup is integration set up your content route none of that you have to do anymore because we just do it for you by default and we do a lot more actually like we'll set up your ear config for you will actually put config in di by default and we'll wire up the like Jason config providers for app settings Jason we'll set up the user secrets file stuff so that you can keep your secrets out of the source code logging is actually enabled by default because the config specified one of my favorite one of my biggest complaints about AF snake or 100 or 1 1 was developers told me all you get to create an object but your configuration inject that into the I and I'm like just put the configuration in there for me so I'm going to access it from any of my controllers we did that for it's already there you can just use it from wherever you want to and as a result my startup code now it's much cleaner like I don't have to set up that that config object anymore I'm not setting up logging because it's already set up for me we've already set up the console logger that the bug logger so it just feeds right into Azure for example and it just works but if I want to set this stuff up manually I still can right again that's where all those api's are still there we're just trying to help you get started faster to actually build your app which is what I want to do I want to build some UI like I'd like to just add some pages to this app how do I do that so I'm going to use what you were talking about which is razor pages razor pages is a new app model in core - oh it's built on NBC that allows you to just add pages to your app that render dynamic HTML so let me show you I've got that pages directory that you mentioned I'm going to add a new item right here show you how quick and easy it is to get started now writing dynamic you I'm gonna add a razor page index CS HTML that means it's just going to be the home page of my app and we should get some razor and there it is alright cool so I got a razor file with nothing in it yet because I found like a student webpages although that it's it a different much more fleshed out model like it's literally built on MVC so all the features that you know and love from MVC they actually still continue to work like you might notice I actually do have a view imports file in this directory that sets up you know the namespace for all my pages that's from M you see it just works you start that just works tag helpers that just works because it's built on top of MVC I get all the power in VC and I get the ability to do CS HTML files in a folder just like I could with web pages so I get the best of both world you get the best of both worlds exactly so I have a code behind file this is my page model this is the mod I'm going to be going to use to decide what to render on the page so let's add some stuff like it's just let's do something simple so I'm gonna add a property let's add a string let's call this I don't know like current time great so that property is on my model and it's referenced from my page so it's not it's now going to be accessible from this piece of razor now we want to populate that property with some data so in my on get page handler so this is where you can handle the request as it comes in whether it's a get request or a post request I'm going to set the current time to be I don't like date time now and we'll make that a string so that we can easily render it on the page alright okay so now if I save that on my page let's now go actually you know render that current time we'll just add a header and we'll say at model to refer to the model current time perfect let's run it let's see what we get hopefully we'll see what time it is on our server in big beautiful text and all right great there it is and if I keep hitting refresh you know the seconds tick by as the app refreshes that's how easy it is to get started with razor pages you just add a page and you got and you're ready to I love this I don't have to have a controller folder or views folder I don't have to have routes I don't understand how writing works between all that stuff yep you can still do those things of course you have controllers and and views you can absolutely use all that but this is we think this is a much simpler way to do UI now this was a very simple app let's do something a little bit more real I'm going to file new project up now and we have of course templates for razor pages I'm going to select to create a new a spinet core Alek and mix the two systems together I can have some views and controllers as razor pages on the same applicator you can do them both and they work beautifully side by side you can have some Web API is that our letter embassy controllers and have some UI with Razer pages that just works while you're on the screen we should point out these new templates ago I was about to do that time to do this so here I'm going to create a new razor pages based app first of all you'll notice that I now have two web application templates so the web application Model View controller that's the one that has use and controllers the same template that we've always had still works can continue to use it web application template now that's using razor pages because we think it's just a simple way to get going with building UI and adding pages by the way you'll notice that we also have the templates that you mentioned earlier for angular 4 reacts for react plus Redux that's just an easy way to get started with building a spa with core as a back-end we're going to work with razor pages so let's add that this is going to give me a template that has the standard you know three pages that we have on almost all of our templates the home page the about page the contact page now what I want to do here is add a form razor pages is great for doing forms based programming so I'm going to open up the pages folder and the routes to the pages are just determined by where they are in disk so if I want to go to the contact page I just go to slash contacts so there's there's index that's the home page there's contact and there's about you notice that we also have you imports do you start those or it's just built on NBC so those things just work we even have a layout the layout just works it's like MVC so let's go to this contact page and we want to add a data form here that lets you submit your contact info so that you can we can contact you about our great products you know something like that super easy so what we're going to do is we're going to go to the code-behind file and I'm just going to add a little class here let's call it a contact and then let's just add a couple properties on this let's add a name and let's add a email address so that we can actually contact you now I want to I want some validation on this guy so I'm going to make this this property required using data annotations the annotations just work with razor pages it's all MVC required for the email address as well you've got to give me both okay so now I want to render a form on my page using this this contact model so I'm going to add a property to my page model of type contact okay and that's going to allow me now in my contacts HTML this model type will have that property and I can use that to render the form I'll spare you the the typing on that I've got actually already pre typed here and we'll just copy this and put it into the page so I don't have to do that manually but the super acts are pretty easy to do but there we go so there's our form now this form you'll notice that it doesn't actually have an action attribute that's because the form tag helper will automatically set the action attribute to just post to the page by default that's the obvious thing to do then we have two fields one for the contact name and one for the email address and that's it and a button to submit we run this we should be able to see that form now now there's nothing that this is going to post to yet we need to add that in a second but let's just make sure we've got our UI so let's check this should brought us to the home page we go to contact great we've got our little form so now let's go back to our model we need to have some logic here now for handling the post requests so we're going to add another page Handler instead of on yet we'll have an on post I got that here as well just to save some typing so let's go ahead and copy this onto the page model there we go resolve a namespace so we can get our action result action results because then we see you again so what's this going to do so when we post the form data it's going to check the malla state to see if it's valid or not if it's not it'll just render the page and say like here's the errors the things that were wrong then you would normally like save the data someplace like in a database we're not going to do that here but you would just have a DB context you you inject it into the page model like you would have controller it goes in the constructor works just like like that-like is NBC you could also inject in the page itself with that inject all the directives work and then if things are all good then we're just will you know what's a post redirect get so we'll redirect back to the page just to show that yes everything was good now I would like to do something here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to set it like a success message like yes thank you for your contact information we got it you're good to go so I don't like thanks I'll just reference that saying property contact uh name wherever you are we'll contact you soon via and then the email address of that person okay great now we should probably render that on the page as well I think I've already got like a header that renders that message but let's change that to like a like a P tag and just set up some bootstrap so that shows up and green so like text to a success because this is a success message and I think there's also one more thing I got to change which is on this um get I don't want to clear the message I want to actually leave it as it was now this is almost done that message property will get populated when the post comes in but first of all like how do I actually get the contact data like I should buying someplace like I could I could actually put it in the post arguments that's there's like you good with an MVC action but instead of doing that because I'm already got this property right here I'm just going to bind it right here to this property that's super convenient and you can do that on your MVC controllers too like if you want to use that same feature there you can also that message property I need that to survive the redirect we have a feature in MVC that makes it easy called temp data what you can now do is you can attribute a property and say please back this we buy a temp data and so that means when I set that property it'll populate into temp data when I read from that property you'll read it out of temp data and that should be it okay so let's go back to our like view our page and let's uh let's click Submit and I didn't put any data and so I expect to get like some some validation errors that say like you didn't provide a name we didn't provide an email address and there they are okay now if I put my name in and my email address there it is and then thanks Dan we'll contact you soon that's raise it very cool very simple if you publish it it'll be smaller also when you publish it and run it it will start up faster than it would in 1:1 because the the runtime store is already crossed also we will pre compile these pages and your views so that you don't have to do any runtime compilation that just happens in demo that's a new feature that we have into o as well is we are pre compiling CSS HTML files as part of public as part of public by default you just want to do anything it'll just happen and then at runtime like you said it'll be faster because the throughput of 200 is faster than 1:1 as well awesome thank you so let's move on next we have entity framework core 2.0 any framework core is a new version of any of you framework that we built as we built net core the primary goal of Adichie framework or was to have obviously a version of energy framework that ran cross-platform just like that in core does but one of the things I like to think about with any framework core is it's a version core kind of internally we used to call it any of you framework everywhere because the idea is it can run anywhere today so it used to be the engine framework could only run on framework that runs on net core it's not that standard compliant as well which means it technically can run on uwp as well so whether or xamarin so whether you're building a dotnet framework app a dotnet core application xamarin application or even a uwp application and the rs3 time frame you have the same data data data framework that can go all those places another cool thing about a new framework is we have a couple goals here and one of them is to obviously make it very easy to build awesome applications with address equal and sequel server and so we've actually enabled features in sequel server like in-memory tables you can actually do with attributes with energy framework they've already shipped that and we've also done all the stuff for accessing databases in the cloud where you might actually need to have like retry policies and stuff that's all built into any framework or and I've got a couple of features in on the screen here that we're that are needed framework or to my favorite one is probably the performance improvements if you're used to programming at a do net level you're probably familiar with connection caching where we actually have a pool of connections and keep using those we've got a great new feature where you can actually have a pool of context and so if you're having an app that's running a lot and doing a lot of requests you can cache these contexts and reuse them so it's kind of like connection pooling for energy framework contexts I'm going to have a Diego Vega come up and present some of these features so if people can go to the dotnet blog to read the announcement and see an overview of the new features this one is about the the fact that we look at performance profiles of some 80 or netcode applications that we are using EF core 2.0 sorry previous version and we realized that we were spending a lot of time creating instances of the ideal context yeah pretty much anytime we create a controller yeah which every time a request comes in we create a controller we're going to create a context cuz most people make the context a member of their controller yes that's it and and we we try to address this in two different ways in 2:01 is first make it cheaper to create you know like we have a view context that is using dependency injection internally to create its own dependencies and those are scoped they get created every for every request and then they go away and we will use the number of a object need we created for each one but we also took a more radical approach based on on the same idea that we have been using for connection token 11 for all the years and that is well basically we can have like a pre created set of the context instances that are ready to use every time there is a new request that comes in we pass that to the controller and when the controller finishes the work we can take it by the pool then we use it for the next request that has the token and all we need to make sure is that we are cleaning up all the state that means we cannot that we are disposing all those that need to dispose and things of that so we want to show a demo that is actually one of the simplest demos that I have seen we have a a this is actually a console application that is simulating everything that a an external application would do with a real context it has this small D context with just one entity and then it has this section where we are configuring services this is a line here that has the call to the context is important that's the registration of the D context type that are going to use in the application and then to simulate what would happen in a normal application I have created this method request async that is basically doing the work that was happening in a controller action yeah and this one is doing a lookup in the database so we're going to run this the way it is and we are going to see some numbers so this is executing a bunch of requests is creating a bunch of threads to simulate what is happening a real application in this in this particular case for creating contexts a lot of times every time when it is request from the ESRI recruiting in context so we're throwing a bunch of memory out there a bunch of times it's just like a snake or went and optimized a lot of memory usage away now you're going to show a new version of this it actually yeah doesn't do doesn't work as hard exactly so the two numbers that I want people to remember here that are important is the total number of contexts that were created to do this works a lot that were like more than 70,000 and also the number of requests per second is the throughput that we achieved with this way of doing things yep now I said that this is a very easy mo because all I need to do to enable the new feature is to change this call to add three contexts to a new API that is called happy context pool and this one the way it work is basically running up the same capabilities in dependency injection but instead of giving you a new instance of the D context every time is going to give you one from the pool so a one line code change we run the application and what we see so we are seeing that very quickly we achieve it better to put but before I can see the very throughput and add at the end here we're going to see that look at that only 32 content created versus 70,000 yeah that's dramatically dramatic difference because there's going to be much less of our patients to serve the same number of all right when I take my existing es core code I change one line of code and my web application and suddenly I'm using a lot less memory and my applications faster awesome let the iris collection as well so one one detail a people you said you asked about this is that why is that we are not adding this to the default template even even that is so good and that performance is so much better with this way and the reason we we don't do that is because we want people to be aware that the feature changes how things are going to work right and for instance when you create this blow in context this is your own user class it's derived from the mini context and you can put your own state in there and if you are not careful using this feature if you have your own context you're right young okay if you put your own set in there well then you're going to be in trouble because somebody else is going to see that same state over and over again and it's not really your state you're sharing that today with everybody so yes you pull something you need to be aware don't don't we putting your own private user data inside of that DB context because it's not your own private data yeah exactly so the feature knows how to reset all the state of the duty context that we know about on every time we we put it back in the pool but you don't know about what the user put subject on a class yes that's something that we can improve in the future but currently we don't have a way to do that yeah we should probably do an analyzer in the future that actually tells you not to do that or we can give you a method yeah for that okay what else you got so the other feature I wanted to show is a very simple feature and this one is also very easy and I think that this is say I want to yeah I like this feature too yeah I want to give the language team a some some trades here actually all the credit because they build these these features is reading revelation string interpolation we added the Sierra if you if you look at this code what is doing is basically using an EF model and is using a feature that we call from which you can use to execute your own sequel in a composable way so you can invoke some sequel with with some sequel and then you can continue adding link operators on top of it but I want to be careful arrived and I don't have any like sequel injection here because I'm passing a parameter in here so this is pretty against sequel injection I would assume so this is this protecting you from sequel injection but in the way that we did it in the first version of EF code so if I show you how how this works basically sucking for a 10 a turn I'm going to type cut here this is showing me the secret that gets generated I'm putting the select I can see the variable there yeah there was a parameters and created for it and it's being passed to this this is actually a table body function in sequel server based in both yes and this is safe but it's not as nice so one one thing I may want to do is I'm using the new features in c-sharp the exemption of seeing a 0 here which is undoing yeah bye bye order so C sharp allows you to do I can actuate the variable directly and yeah a dollar sign there and then just say okay I want to put term here sorry I'm in turn and this is a more concise way of writing this query I know myself and I've done sequel in the past I've had I passed so many things in I was 0 1 2 3 4 5 and by the time and all the parameters scrolled off his right side of the screen and so I wasn't sure what they are and so the interpolation feature being able to put the name of the variable directly in a place I want is amazing yep and now you support that with any different work or yes the things that if you did this with the first version of anti-fungal cord it would expose you to I mean it will fail but if you if you add some quoting here probably turn this to the string then it would be exposing you to C code in general injection so what we wanted to do is say ok we want people to be able to use this nice way of writing the equation and incorporating the parameters in line in the query but we want it to work the right way so we wanted to create parameters for them and we want to we want it to be site perfect I love it so I get all the features of string interpolation in c-sharp I get all the protection from sequel injection all with the F core 2.0 yep also if we execute this now is the same say we ask for fish and it's also generating the parameter on the and using it in the call to the table of the function here so the way this works people are excused when we see when they see this demo is really because the language team invented this in a very small way they created a new type that is called formattable string that can hold all the information for an interpolator string including like the text and also the parameters so we created an overload of from sequel that takes a formatted string so we can actually capture the whole intent in one variable and then we create a sequel for you cool awesome okay thank you for the demos no problem thank you thank you okay so let's move on I want to close with something I think is really important earlier this year we launched a new part of website do tnat and it's our architecture guides we got a lot of feedback from customers saying that hey we're looking at moving to the container micro service world or I want to look at how I would move my application from on-premise to the cloud and so we are now building some patterns and practice style guides and what's cool about these guides is they're in an eBook format if you want you can download a PDF of these books and read them offline you can also read them online on Doc's not Microsoft comm but even better after you click one of these to download it'll take you to a page afterwards showing you all the resources for the guide that you selected and the best resources each of these content contains a sample as well so if you select microservices and containers you get a great book to learn how to build and and ripe micro services that run in containers with net in the cloud but also you get a great sample application that shows you the best practices and a lot of things you're going to find in the sample applications or things like you can see health checks those types of things or patterns we're going to actually move out of the samples and put into the actual dotnet core in the future so if you're looking at how to build modern acid net and dotted core please come to this page and learn more key takeaways I think the biggest things as developer that people should take away from this is that in a standard - I think it's the most important thing here because it means all of our all of my dinettes xamarin dotnet framework dotnet core all have the same set of common api's across all the great code sharing you can continue to see we have performance you know we had great performance results with dotnet core 1.0 we're continuing to push that envelope again as Dan was saying earlier 20 percent improvement in the tech and power benchmark for a snit core and then the other part of this is nothing makes gotten that better than awesome tools and we have Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio code which are all great platforms for building applications with nets and don''t core to is supported across all of them so go out download dotnet core to today at DLT got any tea slash core and give us feedback on how it works

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ASP.NET Core 2.2

hi my name is Glenn Condren I'm a program manager on the team and today we're going to talk about some of the ...