Monday 21 October 2024

A Gentle Intro to Azure Cosmos DB for the ASP NET and SQL Server Developer

hey everybody we're back at dotnet Comp 2019 I have a new co-host my earth how's it going good yeah I know thank you so much for joining us so as you probably noticed with the entire conference we've shifted co-host just because we're doing this 24 hours yes it's pretty tiring after a while so thank you for all of our current or future and current co-hosts for taking the time to do this in particular I would like to thank our speaker Santosh how's it going hey I'm doing good how are you we're doing great thank you so you're here to talk about cosmos DB for and C Co server developers take it away yeah let me share my screen are you anime there we go perfect alright are you guys able to see them all looks good alright perfect I'm gonna go ahead and get started before it hello and welcome to dotnet conf my name is Santosh and I will be talking about cosmos DB today in particular what I'll be focusing on is introducing cosmos DB to the and sequel server developer a little bit about myself before we get started I am a Microsoft MVP in Azure and I'm also a consultant at new signature so today what I want to do is I want to talk about cosmos DB which is as we'll see Microsoft's database as a service for a variety of models and my whole approach to this is based around the fact that as a consultant I go out into the field and talk to customers I often see that people who have been working for a long time in the sequel server world especially in the relational database world they have a little bit of difficulty transitioning over to a more schema agnostic well that cosmos DB brings so I will be talking about some of the aspects of cosmos DB that I have learned along the way that I think are important and also I was looking at the schedule and there there is a data modeling talk couple of talks after mine so I highly recommend that you are listen to that one also because it's kind of complementary to this one so with that I'll get started so what is cosmos DB cosmos DB is Microsoft Dodgers database as a service this is proprietary to Azure which means that if you go to AWS or any other provider you would not find cosmos DB on there so let's forget that right off of the bat it's a horizontally scalable database it is schema agnostic which means that it you can save data on a wide variety of schemas and it really it will allow you to do that it's a globally distributed database which you can looking at this map you can click on you know in different regions or for Microsoft all over the world and it'll automatically spin up a cosmos DB instance for you over there so it's a very easy to use to be globally it's a multi model database which means it has it accommodates four different types of data the sequel API and MongoDB and I'll be talking about this shortly or document or unit cassandra is a column-oriented database and then you have table API and gremlin which is a graph database you can elastically scale throughput and storage so technically there are hypothetically speaking there is no limit to the amount of throughput and storage that you can provision for a cosmos instance and you can do this across the world in different Azure regions with a click of a button cosmos DB is super fast like you know you probably heard about this by now it's like single-digit millisecond latency and we'll talk about all of that but the most important thing about cosmos DB is that unlike sequel server it's not you're not connecting over TCP or you could do that but it's a club a bunch of cloud-based REST API and these are encrypted address so you can connect to this as you would connect to any REST API so and a lot of the SDKs and everything else is built around that so let's keep that in mind as we move along let's talk about the multi modal aspects the sequel API is a document oriented database it stores data in JSON format which as you know is the most widely used format and it provides sequel like query capabilities and below is an example of the type of data it stores is similar to sequel in that it's a document oriented data I would say that the distinguishing factor is that is it suppose the MongoDB wire protocol which means that if you write your code geared towards MongoDB chances are chances are high that he can part it to the API at cosmos and it would just work so he can simply move from you know a hosted instance on Prem to the call to the azure cloud by simply pointing your connection string to cosmos our table API we have talked about assured we have heard about as your table storage previously our table API I call this as a premium version of as your table storage it's the provides exactly the same type of you can store exactly the same type of data with the same code except that you get much better throughput and you can leverage the global distribution of cosmos DB so seek you know with as your table storage we have you know read access zone redundancy and all of that we can easily scale or we can easily you enable global distribution by clicking on a map and I'm kind of moving fast because we're running you know we're running behind so bear with me gremlin API you know data as we know is in the real world is it cannot you know often we find it hard to describe in relational databases with gremlin API it's a graph database and it's super relation I call it super relational which means that he can easily spin up vertices which are the round entities and edges which are the relationships that are shown by their lines and you can spin this up real quick and attach them real quick which means that they're you can do multiple levels of nesting of relationships something relational databases find it hard to handle a cassandra idea is a column or in a database by grouping columns together you often lured entire set of columns and memory for super fast calculations great use cases for these is time series data talking of the different types different models use cases for these are usually found in industries like retail IOT and gaming this screen we are seeing right here is a great example of some use of cosmos because it uses the change feed which we'll be talking about later in the stock and you know it leverages micro-services with the change feed to handle different functions in the retail industry so cosmos DB can you can really power up your applications by using cosmos TV along the way through my talk I'll be talking about different developer tips and for this particular section I'll say that leverage here you have the appropriate data model based on the scenario so if you want relational somewhat super relational data you can use the graph API or you know if you want tabular data you can use the table API and finally you know these models are meant to complement each other and not replace each other so and talking speaking of that I want to give you a thought experiment so let's say if you are building your own linked end or I was building my own LinkedIn this is how I would do the MVP I would use the sequel API to do the profile pages and the posts and to do things to do research on people I may know I may use the gremlin API to list the graph or to log the visit so I may use the table API to run summary calculations on years of experience I may use Cassandra and finally for the sign up and building modules because I want them to be transactional I'm actually use sequel server so there's no bad answer what I'm saying is that you should use cosmos DB and complementary technology and appropriate scenarios hopefully if you can take something out of the dark let this be it but you know I have other great stuff in store for you and quick note this point forward I will not be talking about the other models I'll be sticking to the sequel server sequel API in cosmos speaking of the global distribution cosmos DB provides turnkey global distribution you can easily spin up replicas you can spin up replicas by clicking on the map so you can spin up different instances one region if you have your cosmos DB hosted in only one region you get four nines SLA which is 99.99 if you have greater than one region you get five nights which is obviously better and then you also want to talk about you know whether I want single region right or multi region rights and this may vary based on your scenario so if you have a red heavy application it's easy to ingest your data and then with a single region right so for instance your writer may be located on East us so you ingest in East US and then you distribute all over the world so that when someone in Australia tries to read the data it uses this feature called multihoming API is for cosmos DB and it connects to the nearest instance which is an Australia to read the data so that makes it super fast multi-region writes I would use this in a scenario like if you have clients all over the world trying to write data instead of sending someone from Australia to East us I would enable multi region right which means that they write to the Australian instance and it would sink up over time cosmos DB provides low latency for reads and writes and you can see that you know then single-digit milliseconds or customs deep provides five well-defined consistency models most databases that accompany does often provide like to which is strong and eventual but cosmos TV provides five I will say that strong is very similar to the acid compliant relational databases but it only works in one region so if you expand beyond one region you'd have to use one of the other for bonded stillness that you know your reads and writes are never out of order but the data lags by a certain interval or prefix now within this interval it's strongly consistent session session consistency provides strong consistency within a particular session that's connected to cosmos DB consistent prefix make sure that your reads are always in order with the writes but there's no strong consistency anywhere and eventually it means that your rights could be out of order with your rates through part this is one of the most important now we are getting to some of the important parts which impact performance throughput actually is measured in request units and it's a combination of memory plus CPU plus I ops and one request unit is the equivalent of reading a one kilobyte document I will say that writes obviously consume more than more throughput because of indexing and also depending on the consistency if you have strongly consistent was this somewhat eventual consistent it may consume different amount of our use the same write operation partitioning there are two types of partitioning logical and physical logical is controlled by the user by providing a partitioning key physical partitioning is because it's horizontally partition and store disks this is completely handled by the cosmos DB engine and transparent to the users the choice of partitioning key can make or break your data based performance which is why I will reiterate that you should attend the data modeling session after mine this is what a cosmos DB instance looks like we start with account choose create an account our account can have 0 or more databases and these databases have containers of data not to be confused with docker containers these containers can have different elements like stored procedures triggers user-defined functions and items items like the actual data not depending on the model of Cosmos like for instance if you are in sequel API you would call your container a collection and you would call your item a document so that's that's what this diagram represents obviously with your occur once you create your account you get an endpoint and connection Keys one quick another additional note on this there's readwrite keys and read-only keys so use these judiciously when you are designing a document like if you're doing a CQRS system you could reuse the readwrite keys on the right side and read-only keys on the reach side and the database the database is the unit under which container of containers of data is stored but you can provision throughput at the database level now if you have multiple containers under the database the throughput your provision here is the cap collections were with the collections in sequel or the containers that store the data you do not incur any charges until you create a collection so you can create as many databases as you want with no charge and at the collection level you can also provision you can cap an individual collection for a certain throughput otherwise it would vary based on what's the usage may vary based on what's provisioned at the database level and how many other collections so there are documents now these are the action this is the actual record example of a record that may be stored in a sequel API collection so for instance if you take JSON document that looks like the one on the left and store it you'll end up with one that looks like the one on the right and this is even though we say that our data ask schema agnostic cosmos DB adds some fields as you can see at the bottom the ID represents a unique name within a logical partition it can be system generated are user defined if the user doesn't provide an ID it will automatically generate one e tag is used for optimistic concurrency control which means that if there are multiple clients writing to the database this same record then it may use the e tag to resolve that concurrency issues ts is the timestamp and self is the actual URI for the item on the internet so how do I develop cosmos in Cosmos locally so and this is where you can you can go to you can google cosmos DB cosmos DB emulator and it's a simple Windows installer and it runs a service on your computer excuse me sorry so this loads Explorer this lots a emulator on a computer and you get the connection URI and the primary key for the emulator now the one thing to keep in mind is the local emulator stores multi models for instance you also see the MongoDB connection string and you see a data Explorer that will show you the data but unfortunately this data Explorer as I remember if I remember correctly is not available for Cassandra graph and table and that may change so the next thing I want to talk about is before we dive into code is the azure cosmos DBE dark net as decay since we're talking about you know dotnet code three this goes very well with that this is the latest instance of the sdk and it has some improvements on it and i'll be i'll dive into this shortly so definitely if you are using cosmos DB use the dotnet sdk v3 and with that i will jump into some code so I'll quickly show you the difference between dotnet core SDK version 2 and 3 so so for my dark net core SDK version 2 this is an example for Korres decay version 2 so generally what you do is you instantiate client that with the endpoint and the URL that you get from the cosmos once you create a cosmos instance you get particular cosmos account you get the key and the URLs you instantiate a document client and then you create a database and generally in the cloud it's always Duty is defensive programming techniques which means that you don't assume something exists you always created and then use it I you plan for creating it or a plan that it doesn't exist so in this instance it goes through it reads the list of databases and creates a database now this is version 2 version 3 actually is in version 3 the cost the document client has been replaced by a Kosmos client so that's cool because obviously you want to have a more generic one and you can use the cosmos client and the create database if not exists that call and similar calls at the database and collection level have been made much more stable and where you don't have to go through and catch the exceptions before you create the database so it's it's a more intuitive developer experience so there's definitely improvements on that side so let's see freaking one or the other thing that the dotnet SDK v3 has introduced as it's using streaming api's and the advantage of using streaming api's is that previous versions always did serializing and deserializing of the data each time you requested data and that kind of incurs eye overhead and the streaming API is cut down on that because the stream or the wire so I if you want to pass if you want to get data from the container and pass it on to something else you can use the streaming API and not have the overhead of serializing deserializing in between so next thing I want to do is jump into this cosmos D beta obviously provides sequel style query so we will see if we can find a collection that has data in it and obviously I have a collection and this collection has some data in it so we'll run some queries in here so let's look at the form let me look at a data record and see what I can query so I'll query for all the records that have day of week Fridays and see what comes up so when I say select see third day of week equals Friday probably oh it's kiss and still so you gotta watch out for that so obviously this query Dan and it can zoomed you can see that it's only showing hundred records because when you get your records back if you don't want to display all of them we can paginate them and that's always a good practice and this 400 records it's consumed about 12 our resource unit so you know as you can see can run sequel style queries and it's it's the one thing I would watch out for is every time you run a query always keep tabs on the request charge and you want to get your requests you want to constantly monitor a request charge because that may decide how much resource request units your provision for your collections so this is an example of how I would run a query from a class from a c-sharp client so in this instance I'm getting a query stream iterator and I'm passing in the actual query I'm passing in the actual query and and I'm using the partition key bridgetta in the partition last name so I'm in providing the family name Anderson and that will return some data so this one thing to keep in mind as if he generally when you run your queries if you wanted to get if you want to get the best efficiency in a in a large amount of if you have a large amount of data and you want to get the best efficiency somehow try to include the partition key in the query indexing so this is what this is another component that impacts query performance so in the so far let's take a look at this instance so this in this instance if I ran a query on locations where the city is Berlin it'll go through my collection and it'll filter out all the all the data that have fields called location and that have location fields and this location fields will have city subfields and the city will be called world and so it's filtering out all so if you have multiple schemas so let's say I have other records and my collection that have headquarters these don't have locations or city so in this case it will completely ignore those records so this is another way this not only helps filtering out data and making a query small efficient but it also helps with schema agnosticism I'll say that other things you want to think in here is you want to measure your request units per query and sure you have provisioned enough throughput when you run your you want to use always use partition key like I was saying earlier you want to follow SDK best practices like direct connectivity and all of these are listed in the documentation and also try to write a query swith in the same they account for network overhead when you run them server-side programming this is important because often when you get data you want to validate and transform your data before you before you store it or right after you store it and in that case you use something like a trigger or there's also stored procedures and user-defined functions that cosmos DB runs these runs server side because the JSON JavaScript code they can basically map to the JSON data and perform optimizations like lazy materialisation the other thing about server-side programming is that you can guarantee the database offs within stored procedures and triggers in particular or Atomics you can some amount of a in asset transactions talk about change feed processor which is one of the best features of Cosmos DB it's a basically a persistent log of documents so when Kosmos DB ingest data or updates data the it must maintains a persistent log and you can connect multiple clients to your logs and these clients basically use another cosmos color collection called leases that way even if they drop their connection they can come back and resume from a check point so this makes it really resilient and it's used in scenarios like even sourcing and you know even near real-time migration so for instance if you ever did the wrong partition key which happens you know more often than we I admit he can perform a near real-time migration by updating the records in your collection and then reading them through the change feed and copying them to different collections so he can actually use your change feed in a whole bunch of cool scenarios definitely something that should read more into entity framework three obviously in Lantana say where a discussion of cost cosmos in a darknet conference would be incomplete without entity framework three but because I'm running short on time I'll quickly see if I can you package and in your context you would use your basically over idea on configuring method to use the cosmos and in this case it uses the local connection string but obviously if you are deploying this to as your you would replace this with the as your connection strings and yeah so once you do that your context can use the cosmos client and then it kept performed it can access the database on the container and it can just work like any of the cosmos client and I see that I'm running clothes from pack so I'll keep this smaller I was gonna say where we're right on that whole a DevOps no no discussion of cosmos is complete without DevOps I want to talk about a couple of things a CentOS answer which I was gonna say if we're right on time ok ok I'll quickly wrap this up so cosmos DB provides the emulator and that you can use and you can actually connect your tests to that emulator so you can perform integration testing on your DevOps pipeline with cosmos and I will wrap up with a couple of thoughts and after that if time permitting I will take questions so my parting thoughts are get start started right away download the emulator it has sample projects you can get started polyglot data you know the LinkedIn example I gave so if we that's an interesting thought experiment to get you started but you you know they can use a whole bunch of different scenarios shift your focus from like thinking of course to thinking of what value it adds and TCR it's that total cost of ownership or non ownership so you don't have to host anything or that's really important and then understand partitioning throughput how it impacts performance attend the data modeling talk that's an hour from now learn to leverage server-side code like triggers and stored procedures use the change feed I'm sure that you'll find a good use case for that and finally use good coding and DevOps practices and these are some resources and that's mindful if you have a one on it till you get in touch with me the best way to do it as Twitter and I'll take any questions or if you have one time then I'll just wrap up yeah we're over on time so everybody if you have questions you want to bring up your your Twitter slide there buddy Santosh you can you bring it up for us minimize the Skype and she'll get quick so people can see that so anybody if you can any questions go ahead and put them there and we will get started thank you so much Santosh for taking the time to talk to us and we'll get here going with Steve and talking about the eShop ok thank you so much everybody pick

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