Monday 21 October 2024

.NET with Scott Hunter Part 2

>> Today's Visual Studio Toolbox, part 2 of my conversation with Scott Hunter. In part 1, he gave an overview of what was revealed at Build, and in this part, we have a nice discussion about what it all means for.NET developers. [MUSIC] >> But then there's the question of, what do you use to lay out a design time? Is it XAML or does it wind up being something entirely different, I suppose? >> I think it ends up being a couple of things. First off, there are different flavors of XAML. That's a good point you made before. Xamarin.Forms is a flavor of XAML, and UWP is a different flavor of XAML, and then WPF is yet a different facility for XAML. There's three of them that are slightly different. I think for.NET MAUI, we're probably, Robert, we're going to use the Xamarin XAML because we want to be compatible with the previous Xamarin apps. I wouldn't want to have.NET MAUI come out and it'd be very difficult for a developer to move their existing application to.NET MAUI. But we want to do something new as well, and so there's a pattern that has gotten popular with some of the web frameworks today. For example, maybe you've seen flutter, Robert that where you've actually defined your UI in code. There's SwiftUI on the Apple platforms where you define your UI with code. So we are going to take a step at that as well. So with.NET MAUI., we're going to give you two choices. One is to go build your UI with XAML like you're used to. The other one is going to be to build your UI directly with C#. That gives you a couple of cool benefits. If you might use XAML, XAMLs are really rich, really powerful platform, and it's got some complex bindings to it. Sometimes those bindings are complicated. If you want to bind a boolean to your screen, you have to write some code to convert the boolean into a format that Xamarin understands the display. If you've ever build a Blazor application, it's much simpler. You just put a boolean in there, and running your UI with C# will be very similar to that, we just put a boolean in there and we'll just deal with it. So it's going to give you a simplified binding. It's going to give you a new way of running UI and we're not going to choose for you, you can choose if you're a XAML customer, then you continue to use XAML. If you want to try the new C# syntax, it's catching on for other platforms that we want to experiment with it and see if it's good for our customers too. >> Or maybe, which would be my ideal world, we have actually a designer, where you don't have to write any code. Thinking all the way back to the WinForms days when you would use the designer and sure, you could write code, but who would do that? Now, obviously, it's a lot harder. Web forms was very much, you dragged a button and you put it down there and that's where it was. XAML is more adaptable, but given that all the XAML I write is essentially an object with properties, and then hooking up with events. I don't know, I'd love. I had this conversation with Dimitre all the time, but I would love there to be a designer, which sure, maybe it spits out XAML, maybe it spits out C#. Maybe it could spit out either one depending on what button I clicked, but that would be my ideal cool world. >> Yeah, the designers are interesting. We struggle with designers, especially when you get to something like.NET MAUI. Because when you [inaudible] different devices, the designers were great, especially in the WinForms era. In fact, I would say WinForms is unusable, better design your iDesk, you can do simple stuff, but building a complex UI would be very hard. The challenge we run in with the WinForms designer is, WinForms is all based on pixels, which means, you'd basically say draw this control at pixel 10 by 10 and then make it 30 pixels wide and 20 pixels tall. The WinForms designer tends to struggle when you get to, here's a 4K laptop or an 8k laptop. Because of that pixel perfection, it doesn't scale very well and you struggle with it. We hit the same problems with the web form designer as well. The web form designer basically it wrote HTML in a page that absolutely placed a control on the exact same place, which means if you resize the browser, the controllers disappear off the screen. So there's been a trend as of late away from designers. You're probably super aware of this Robert. It's got a notion of what we call hot reload or hot restart, and the idea is, well, what if I just change my source code? My device reflects that change instantaneously. What if in a web app, I change my HTML and the web app reacts instantaneously? Is that a better experience or a worse experience? It sounds crazy because we're like 18 years with the stuff. I think we're still learning. I think the challenge is, nobody has built a good designer that handles these displays at scale across all these sizes. But that's it. Does that mean now ever we're working on is going to be a mix of XAML with the designer, and it will be a mix of C# starting without a designer? But you never know. Have you ever seen SwitchUI, Robert? >> No, I haven't. >> They take a pretty cool approach. I'm not used it a lot, but they've melded a designer and swift into the developer tool at the same time. So as you're moving over some of the source code, you get some pop-outs and stuff like that that do some pretty cool stuff. I think that's an area that we'll explore to. Is there a way to take that native C#, lets see it in a source code file. But as you hover your mouse over the various parts of it, you get some of those designer features. We actually did this around 2010 for ASP.NET Web Forms. We found the problem with the ASP.NET Web Forms was the designer struggled to show you what the market would look like across the various browsers, Firefox, Chrome, now, Edge. So we had an approach where instead of actually trying to be in the designer, we brought the designer to the source code. So as I'm moving through my ASPX file, I get the little chevrons around the code that will bring up the designers and the dialogues and stuff like that. But I think this whole space is a space you should just keep following us on Robert and try the best as you come out and give us feedback. >> I am writing a couple apps that need to run on multiple platforms. I'm writing apps that both me and my wife will use. It needs to run on my Android or iOS. We both have surfaces. So I'm obviously doing the apps and Xamarin, and they look great on Android, they look great on iOS, and out of the box, they don't look as great on Windows. This is not meant as a criticism, it's just statement of fact. So if I want to write an app just for Windows 10, I could use WPF or I could use UWP and then transition into WinUI, if I'm writing the app for iOS and Android, I can use Xamarin, but I could also use UWP and then use something like UNO to get it into iOS and Android, and that also gives me WebAssembly. So if I'm doing just iOS and Android, it seems like a pretty clear choice, Xamarin, because that's first-class scenario. But for somebody that also wants to build the app that's going to run on Windows, what's your recommendation as to how to handle that? >> I think for what you just described and where we are exactly today, you are correct. I think that you really have two choices. One of those choices is you can build a web application and the web app, you can make a web app that is responsive, meaning that it changes size according to the device you run on, so it look good on an iOS or Android device, it can look good on the Windows device, but that requires web technology. >> Right, or requires me to learn it at my advanced age. >> Well, advanced age, no. But I would say for you, if you're used to building native apps for a long time, it is a learning curve, but we want to make sure that we address in the [inaudible] space, especially we want to say, if you're a web developers, we're going to help you bring your web developer skill so the app can look good on all the devices. But I think you really nailed it when you said if you wanted to run an app that runs on Windows and iOS and Android, you can do it with Xamarin.Forms today, but maybe it doesn't look as good on the Windows device. I think that's something and done it, now we went to address. We've done it now, we want to get you to a point where you can build a pretty thing, good-looking app that runs on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Right now, Xamarin.Forms, as you said, has been primarily optimized for the iOS and Android devices, in some ways, the ability to run it on Windows is actually just a historical thing of making where you could run it locally for better inter-loop performance. Then, as you said. >> Which is regardless of whether the apps ever going to shift on Windows, if you're building a Xamarin app, you need to do the Windows app because that's the best way to debug it. >> Right. Fastest way to build it, but we have not spent a lot of time making that a great experience and I think that's one of the goals, we've done [inaudible] he has to make a great experience. Then of course, as you said, if you just want to run it on Windows only, you've got a variety of choices. You have WinForms, you have WPF, which are the things we've historically shipped, and a lot of developers, I still find that I can be most productive in WinForms. Even though that the tech for WPF is better or the tech in some cases of UWP is better and there's nothing faster than just going and dragging a button and double-clicking, and it stays exactly where you want it to and it's so easy and you said the designer is so amazing there. But I don't think there is a trend, as well when UI is going to come out, and as it does, I think it will replace UWP. I think of UWP/WinUI is if you want to take advantage of the best hardware on the Windows device, that means you want to be the best touch support, you want to run all the monitors, you want to run on all the versions of Windows 10 consistently, I think that, in the long run will be the best experience, but it hasn't shift yet. Then of course, I loved your notion of the UNO stuff. UNO's got some stuff where you can bring a lot of the UWP style tech and they can run it using webassembly, at the same [inaudible] uses, they can run that on iOS, Android devices as well. So I do think that we are at a point where we have a UI soup, and just like I've tried over the last couple of years to really clean up .NET with .NET Standard and now .NET5, I think it's one of the things that my team was to work on is making these UI stories an easier choice for developers. >> Yeah, I mean, there will always going to be multiple ways to do things, unless you really did come up with the designer that was so cool that no one would ever again write code. But other than that, there's always going to be multiple ways to do it, it's just I don't know. I'm almost to the point where I think I'm going to write the app. The beautiful thing is all the code is the same, right? >> Yeah. >> All the views, the models, the view models, all the helper functions, that code is all written once and can be used everywhere. So that's nice. Then, the UWP XAML would look pretty similar to the Xamarin XAML, I've already get the screens all laid out, so it's just a question of duplicating and most of the properties are the same. So it wouldn't be that hard to redo it in UWP and then start exploring WinUI later on, then you get UNO, so you get WebAssembly. So you wind up for not a huge amount of work getting everything you want. So I don't know, maybe that may sound like the best way to go about it. >> I was going to say, in the future WinUI could be the rendering tag underneath a .NET value application. Which point you're going to get to what you were asking for, Robert, where basically, you write that XAML once and you get all the power of WinUI on the Windows device and you get a good looking app on the iOS, Android device too. We'll actually go do another one of these in a year and see where we're at. >> So one last thing I wanted to ask about Blazor and WebAssembly. I know Rocky Latika, for example, has been telling me for five years that WebAssembly is going to be the end of desktop apps. Is that true, is it now true? What do you think about that? >> I don't think it's now true. To me, I think that WebAssembly is something different. I think of it, it could be the way that all apps are built and run on WebAssembly in the long run. The cool thing about WebAssembly is, today it runs inside of the browser and it runs inside of a Sandbox, which means it's not allowed to touch the file system or the registry or all the things you don't want to have any of the app touch. WebAssembly is supported by a ton of languages, C++, .NET, Go, variety of others. So there's a lot of potential there that imagine you have an operating system that can run WebAssembly, well, now you can use all these different technologies and the apps run on that device. There are some limitations in WebAssembly today, if you took your WinForm application or your WPF application instead of having to go make the WebAssembly version of those, WebAssembly doesn't yet support threading, so if you're doing multiple threads, you're going to have some challenges. Anytime you want to touch some resources on the machine, you might run into challenges as well because as I said, it runs in the Sandbox. So if you want to talk to the disk, you need to go either through storage APIs, which don't really land in the real disk or you have to go build a web back-end for your application and you call the web back-end and it talks to the file system. But give us a couple of years and let's see where things are. I think it does have some exciting possibilities of being a universal run-time for all apps. >> Cool. Thanks so much for your time, thanks for the great overview of what we did it build, and then I really enjoyed this type of conversation. Thanks for doing this. >> Thanks for having me. These are good questions and hard questions, and I think you're not the first developer to ask these questions. >> Horrible, I'd be the last, I suspect. >> No. >> Hope you guys enjoyed that, and we'll see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. [MUSIC]

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