Monday 21 October 2024

01 Saved Layouts

this is super helpful I use this every day all the time as I move between different development scenarios but also different monitor setups a lot of people have gone back to the offices but a lot of people have not we tend to move between different screen resolutions and different monitor setups I want to make sure that no matter where I am where I'm plugged in what screen setup I've got Visual Studio is always in an optimal condition to allow me to do my best work so here I have Visual Studio you know and I have my various different Windows like the toolbox and I have the solution Explorer and this works well for this particular monitor with this resolution that I'm using right now when I'm sitting with my laptop I want more of a kind of a minimal layout like this so in this situation I have a small screen so I don't want all these tool Windows to show up I need that extra space to code when I work on extensions I like my layout to be a little bit different and then when I'm at my ultra wide I really like to spread out horizontally over that big area let's say you have dual monitors you could actually take the different tool windows in visual studio and spread out on these various different monitors let's open a window here a tool window the test Explorer and let's imagine that I take this and I drag that onto my secondary monitor all I have to do to save that Windows layout so I can easily come back and forth to it is to go to window it's a save window layout and then we give it a name let's call it testing so now I've saved this layout if I go go back up to window you can see that I have all of my saved Windows layouts right here and I can apply any of them you can go through this one and then back to the one we just created testing and I can do that with keyboard shortcuts

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